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Cecere, Michael. Units designated "Additional Continental Regiments" were unnumbered infantry regiments authorized in 1777. Continental Regiments. Virginia portion transferred on February 3, 1777 to the 11th Virginia Regiment. [7] Re-organized on March 21, 1779 as Rawlings' Independent Corps, to consist of 3 companies; concurrently relived from the Main Army and assigned to the Western Department. Disbanded 1 May 1780 at Morristown, New Jersey when it was consolidated with the 1st and 2nd Rhode Island regiments to form the Rhode Island Regiment. Reassigned on June 5, 1781 from the Highland's Department and assigned to the Northern Department. It took part in the June 1777 campaign in Northern New Jersey and the Philadelphia Campaign in late 1777. The regiment would join the Continental Army in June 1775. Assigned on September 24, 1781 to Hazen's Brigade, an element of the Main Continental Army. Assigned on May 23, 1777 to the Eastern Department. The 3rd Regiment was formed in February 1776 at Alexandria and Dumfries. Re-designated on January 20, 1776 as the 1st Canadian Regiment. Reassigned on September 23, 1776 from the Middle Department and assigned to the main Continental Army. Invasion of Quebec (1775), New York and New Jersey Campaign (1776-77), Northern Theater (17781782) and the Saratoga Campaign (1777). There is no single [1] The 3rd Virginia's initial commander was Colonel Hugh Mercer, who was quickly promoted to brigadier general. Surgeons Mate Charles Land. Reorganized and re designated January 26, 1777 as the 5th New York Regiment. But now I had an into keep talking to this young lady. The regiment did not see any action. 2 talking about this. The British suffered 14 killed and an estimated 154 wounded, with the Americans suffering 30 killed and 100 wounded. A brief summary of the 3rd Virginia Regiments service can be found in The Continental Armyby Robert K. Wright, Jr., page 285. Captain William Scott's Company consolidated 4 April 1778 with Hartley's Additional Continental Regiment. Quartermaster Thomas Lawler. It was to be however a short lived reprieve as on April 4 with the drums of war beating a long roll the regiment was turned out to embark once more at Stone House Wharf . Reassigned on April 22, 1778 from the 4th Virgina Brigade and assigned to the 3rd Virgina Brigade, an element of the Main Continental Army. One of the main players in this action was Major Andrew Leitch. The reorganization was to apply to troops from every state, and a major factor in the new plan was the decision to recruit for the duration of the war rather than for a single year. Its second commander, George Weedon, was also promoted to brigadier general within a few months. Relieved 21 June 1777 from the 1st Connecticut Brigade and assigned to the Rhode Island Brigade, an element of the Highland's Department. Today the areaof the Harlem Heights battlefield is now under the campus of Columbia University in New York City. WebThese bound photostats were used by H.J. Assigned 12 June 1777 to the 1st Connecticut Brigade, an element of the Highland's Department. Militia Publisher Richmond, D. Bottom, superintendent of public printing Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing Archives Division; Publication date 1913 Topics Virginia. The 1-year enlistments in most Continental Army regiments that formed in the earliest part of the American Revolutionary War expired on December 31, 1776. Reassigned on July 22, 1778 from the Main Continental Army and assigned to the Eastern Department. It was to be however a short lived reprieve as on April 4 with the drums of war beating a long roll the regiment was turned out to embark once more at Stone House Wharf . George Washington appointed influential Shenandoah Valley political leader Charles Mynn Thruston as colonel in command. War & Affiliation Revolutionary War / American. Militia Publisher Richmond, D. Bottom, superintendent of public printing Collection library_of_congress; americana Digitizing The Continental Congress authorized the Regiment on 11 January 1777 in the Continental Army as Spencer's Additional Continental Regiment and assigned to the Main Army. Its second commander, George Weedon, was also promoted to brigadier general within a few months. Griffith wroteto Leitch family friend Richard Hendersonon October 3rd that [I] disagreeable duty of informing Mrs. Leitch through you, of the death of her husband is imposed upon me. War & Affiliation Revolutionary War / American. Tag: Third Virginia Regiment Captain John Asbhy On September 27, 2018 By erwguest In , , , , , Revolutionary War Leave a comment Part Two Captain John Ashby and his fellow Virginians would face their greatest test of the war on the afternoon of September 11th, 1777 at the Battle of Brandywine. Surgeons Mate Charles Land. New companies organized between July 11-31, 1776 in Frederick and Harford Counties, Maryland and Fauquier, Berkley, Frederick and Culpepper Counties Virginia. He served under Captain Philip Lee, Colonel George Weedon, and Colonel Thomas Marshall. Relieved 8 January 1778 from the 1st Pennsylvania Brigade and assigned to the Middle Department. The Battle of Harlem Heights. Consolidated on April 9, 1779 with Henry Jackson's Additional Continental Regiment. Reassigned on April 4, 1778 from the Northern Department and assigned Highland's Department. Relieved on July 2, 1776 from the Canadian Department and assigned to the Northern Department. Sixteen regiments were authorized, but because of manpower shortages Washington attempted to raise only 15. Reassigned on October 7, 1777 from the Eastern Department and assigned to the Main Continental Army. American Revolutionary War The regiment was made up primarily from veterans who served in Canada during operations in 1775-76. WebThe 3rd Virginia Infantry Regiment was an infantry regiment raised in Virginia for service in the Confederate States Army during the American Civil War. Having worked here locally for a few years, I was not aware of who the park was named after. Archives Division; Publication date 1913 Topics Virginia. Washington seized the opportunity and ordered an assault on their rear by Knowltons men and a reinforcement of 200 Virginia riflemen from the Third Virginiaunder Major Leitch. The 3rd Virginia did not arrive in New York in time for the disastrous Battle of Long. Raised by a Southern planter, Where Major Leitchs remains are today is a mystery. October 4, 1776 that the brave Major Leitch who died of his wounds received the 16th was interred yesterday by the side of Major Henly. We know the general area of the American camps in the fall of 1776, but this burial location is long lost to history. Reassigned on August 10, 1781 from the Northern Department and assigned to the Main Continental Army. Formed in 1776, the Guard was with Washington in all of his battles. The regiment was organized on June 17, 1776 to consist of 3 existing companies and 2 new companies to be raised in Maryland and 4 new companies to be raised in Virginia. For guidebooks to Virginia's military units for the Revolutionary War, the following sources are helpful: E. M. Sanchez-Saavedra, comp. Date of Birth - Death February 28, 1752 - March 16, 1810. Re-organized on December 18, 1776 to consist of 8 companies from Canada and New York. Partially organized in spring and summer 1777 in Virginia to consist of four companies. Washington ordered a small party of 150 men called The Knowlton Rangers under the command of Lt. Col. Thomas Knowlton to move out and reconnoiter the British position. The Americans fought with determination and bravery. the Pennsylvania companies on 13 January 1779 with, the New York companies on 1 April 1779 with Spencer's Additional Continental Regiment to form. And of courseshe saw through it and had little interest in Andrew Leitchbut it worked out and now weare married and have two great young kids. Surgeons Mate Charles Whitman. The Commander-in-Chief's Guard, commonly known as Washington's Life Guard, was a unit of the Continental Army that protected General George Washington during the American Revolutionary War. Consolidated on April 22, 1779 with Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment And Thurston's Additional Continental Regiment and consolidated unit designated as Gist's Additional Continental Regiment, to consist of 8 companies. American forces in New York City were nearly cut off, but quickly retreated up Manhattan Island to Harlem Heights and began to dig in. But my connection with Andrew Leitch goes beyond my love and interest of the American Revolution, it is more personal than that. Reassigned on July 22, 1778 from the 1st Connecticut Brigade and assigned to the Rhode Island Brigade, an element of the Eastern Department. [1] The 3rd Virginia's initial commander was Colonel Hugh Mercer, who was quickly promoted to brigadier general. Assigned on November 25, 1779 to Hand's Brigade, an element of the Main Continental Army. Westminster (MD): Heritage Books, 2008. Companies recruited men from Prince William, Fauquier, Stafford, Louisa, Fairfax, King George, Loudoun and Culpeper Counties. Reassigned on June 9, 1783 from the Middle Department and assigned to the Highland's Department. [7] Part 2 will cover Andrew Leitchs role in the Battle of Harlem Heights and his once forgotten legacy. We are a Revolutionary War reenacting group that portrays the Continental soldiers of the 3rd Virgin. Reassigned on April 4, 1778 from the 1st Massachusetts Brigade and assigned to the Highland's Department. Quartermaster Thomas Lawler. WebWilliam Washington. Regimental Staff. The regiment was disbanded at the end of July, 1777 in northern New York as the one year enlistments of the men ran out before the main engagements of the Saratoga Campaign. Reassigned on May 24, 1777 from the 2nd Maryland Brigade and assigned to the 1st Virginia Brigade, an element of the main Continental Army. Samuel Lapsley's Company to the 11th Virginia Regiment. The regiment would see action during the Adopted on June 17, 1777 into the Continental Army as Sheppard's Additional Continental Regiment and assigned to the Main Army. Emerging Revolutionary War Social Media Accounts, He Stood the Field with Great Bravery; The Story of Major Andrew Leitch, Part2, He Stood the Field with Great Bravery The Story of Major Andrew Leitch, Part1, Follow Emerging Revolutionary War Era on Reassigned on March 6, 1779 from the New Hampshire Brigade and assigned to the Northern Department. Distant cousin of General George Washington, William Washington was born on February 28, 1752 to Bailey and Catherine Washington in Parish, Virginia. The 16 Additional Continental regiments were approved by Congress as a separate group on December 27, 1776, specifically in response to a request from Gen. George Washington for additional troops, and Congress expressly delegated their formation directly to Washington. Re-organized in June 1779 to consist of 5 companies. The regiment consisted of 5 companies from eastern Pennsylvania, 2 companies from Baltimore County, Maryland, and 2 companies from Fredrick County, Maryland. It was to be however a short lived reprieve as on April 4 with the drums of war beating a long roll the regiment was turned out to embark once more at Stone House Wharf . Reassigned on November 17, 1779 from the Rhode Island Brigade and assigned to Stark's Brigade, an element of the Main Continental Army. Relieved on August 4, 1780 from the New Jersey Brigade and assigned to the Highland's Department. Virginia troops fought from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, and many Virginians provided some form of military or public service. Reassigned on March 18, 1778 from the Eastern Department and assigned to the Main Continental Army. Authorized on June 21, 1776 in the Continental Army as "Dubois' Regiment." By December the regiment numbered less than 200 men fit for duty. Relieved 23 September 1777 from the Highlands Department and assigned to the Main Army. Therefore, Congress and Washington began preparations for reorganizing the army during that early fall. Quartermaster James Halsbough. A guide to Virginia military organizations in the American Revolution, 1774-1787 Richmond, Virginia : Virginia State Library, 1978 FS Library 975.5 M2s Reassigned on January 28, 1778 from the 2d Maryland Brigade and assigned to the Northern Department. They served in the desperate actions around New York and New Jersey that winter, but it was clear that hard campaigning was taking its toll. We are a Revolutionary War reenacting group that portrays the Continental soldiers of the 3rd Virgin. Consolidated on April 22, 1779 with Gist's Additional Continental Regiment. Virginia troops fought from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River, and many Virginians provided some form of military or public service. 3rd Virginia Regiment. The unit had a strength of seven companies. Organized in spring and summer 1777 at Cambridge to consist of 6 companies from Middlesex County, Essex County, Suffolk County, and Bristol County in Massachusetts. I did a quick search of the name Andrew Leitch and realized we had a Revolutionary War hero. Partially organized in spring and summer to consist of 3 companies from Virginia and Maryland and temporarily attached as follows: Capts. Reassigned on January 8, 1776 from the New York Department and assigned to the Canadian Department. John Russell served Virginia Continental Line, 3rd regiment from 6 Feb 1776 until discharge at Valley Forge on 6 Feb 1778. WebThe 3rd Virginia Regiment was raised on December 28, 1775, at Alexandria, Virginia, for service with the Continental Army. For now, he is honored with a plaque in New York City and a small park here in Virginia. Assigned 22 May 1777 to the 3d Pennsylvania Brigade, an element of the Main Army. Quartermaster Sergeant Richard Poor. Regiment broken up and elements consolidated as follows: The regiment would see action during the New York and New Jersey Campaign (1776-77), Saratoga Campaign (1777) and the Philadelphia Campaign 1777-78. (Washington's Life Guard) Disbanded on June 1, 1778 at Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. WebWe did locate information about the 3rd Virginia Regimentthat indicated it was not a militia unit, but instead was a part of the Virginia Line within the Continental Army. Relieved 19 July 1778 from the 3d Pennsylvania Brigade and assigned to the Highlands Department. Adjutant James Hawkins. List of the revolutionary soldiers of Virginia. The regiment would see action during the New York and New Jersey Campaign (1776-77) and the Northern Theater (17781782). The Extra Continental regiments, which are commonly confused with the Additional regiments, are: The 1st Canadian Regiment, an Extra Continental regiment, was raised by James Livingston to support Colonial efforts in the American Revolutionary War during the invasion of Quebec. 2nd Connecticut Brigade relieved on November 27, 1780 from the Main Continental Army and assigned to the Highland's Department. Authorized 7 January 1777 in the Continental Army as Malcolm's Additional Continental Regiment. Surgeon David Griffith. Reassigned on November 17, 1779 from the Rhode Island Brigade and assigned to Stark's Brigade, an element of the Main Army. Quartermaster James Halsbough. Chaplain Davis Griffith. It took part in the following major battles: Authorized 10 January 1777 in the Continental Army as Grayson's Additional Continental Regiment and assigned to the Main Continental Army. Consolidated 17 January 1781 with the 3d Pennsylvania Regiment. Michael Cresap's and Thomas Price's Companies organized on June 21, 1775 by the Frederick County, Maryland, Committee of Safety. Near here is where Leitch was mortally wounded turning the flank of the British line. Designated the 21st Continental Regiment in 1776. Ashby and his fellow officers arranged their men among the buildings and woodlot of the Samuel Jones farm and awaited the attack that was certain to come. Disbanded on January 1, 1781 at Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania. The vanguard was the 6th Company led by Captain William Washington and Lt. James Monroe. It took part in the following major battles: (aka Congress' Own or Hazen's Regiment) Consolidated 22 April 1779 with Gist's Additional Continental Regiment. The regiment would see action during the Philadelphia Campaign 1777-78 and the Yorktown Campaign (1781). Organized on February 10, 1776 at Montreal, Canada to consist of 4 battalions (20 companies) from Richelieu and St. Lawrence Valleys. It was assigned to the on June 12 to McDougall's Brigade, an element of the Highland's Department. Reorganized 3 December 1777 to consist of eight companies. He served under Captain Philip Lee, Colonel George Weedon, and Colonel Thomas Marshall. While the unit assembled at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a ninth company was added. In 2008 I met the woman that became my wife. The regiment was organized on July 27, 1775 to consist of 7 companies from the New Hampshire Grants (portions of Albany and Charlotte Counties, New York, later becoming Vermont). Of courseshe didnt. Offering engaging perspectives on the Revolutionary War Era. Date of Birth - Death February 28, 1752 - March 16, 1810. The 2nd Canadian Regiment was authorized on January 20, 1776, in the Continental Army as the 2d Canadian Regiment and assigned to the Canadian Department. Authorized on January 11, 1777 in the Continental Army as the S. B. Webb's Additional Continental Regiment. On 22 May the regiment was assigned to the 4th Virginia Brigade, which was commanded by Charles Scott. WebWilliam Washington. Surgeons Mate Charles Land. Quartermaster Sergeant Richard Poor. [7] The 3rd Virginia Regiment was raised on December 28, 1775 at Alexandria, Virginia for service with the Continental Army. WebThe 3rd Virginia Detachment would be formed under Colonel Abraham Buford and was composed of elements of the 7th Virginia, as well as various pieces of other units. My hope is that this story will end with an appropriate understanding and remembrance of a man who gave his life for our nations independence. In contrast to the previously approved 88 regiments, the 16 Additional regiments were organized directly by Washington's authority, rather than by the authority of the state governments, and were placed completely under Washington's control.

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3rd virginia regiment revolutionary war

3rd virginia regiment revolutionary war