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Sightings and events that occurred before the original Mothman reports in 1966. He grew up in Mexicali and has seen the Mothman numerous times. Unsure what it was, he sent the images to Phantoms and Monsters, hoping they or someone else might know what he captured in the photo. All of the descriptions were of a tall, massive creature with glowing orange eyes that resembled a bat. These theories paint the Mothman as either a harbinger of doom or, more sinisterly, its cause a legend that has its roots in the tragedy that befell Point Pleasant shortly after the Mothman arrived. If you go to the spot featured in that image of the map, there is no Mothman to . Newspaper, released November 19th 1966, "Four More Claim Seeing Big Red-Eyed Bird" Newspaper, released November 1966, "That Mothman: Would You Believe A Sandhill Crane?" While this angel was originally bronze, mysterious forces turned it black, and local lore holds that, Terrifying tales of vampires pervade centuries of folklore, proving as immortal as the night stalkers themselves. Terrified eyewitnesses report recent sightings of Mothman, some as close as 10'-15' from the glowing red-eyed flying humanoid. The first recorded Mothman sighting took place on November 12, 1966, near West Virginia. Another said: "The Mothman found on Google Maps!" "The Mothman" is actually West Virginia folklore, dating back to news reports in 1966 of a creature which lurked in the Point Pleasant area. Some witnesses report sleep paralysis and night terrors in connection to Mothman. The creature was about 25' from the mother and daughter, who were watching with the lights turn off in the bedroom. The state of West Virginia has had its fair share of strange and often inexplicable events such the visitation of the Flatwoods Monster but perhaps the strangest yet is the arrival of the creature known as the Mothman. There are too many far more reasonable explanations. The man said he was driving on the state road, Route 2, when he noticed something very large jumping from one tree to another. USACE/Wikimedia CommonsThe Laboratory and Supervisors Office Acid Area, part of what locals now refer to as the TNT area, in 1942. This theory posits that when the national press ran with the Mothman story, people who lived in Point Pleasant began to panic. What do you think?. [28][29][30] The festival is held on the third weekend of every September, hosting guest speakers, vendor exhibits, pancake-eating contests, and hayride tours of locally notable areas.[16]. For other inquiries, Contact Us. The first sighting is generally thought to have been on November 12, 1966, when five men who were digging a grave at a cemetery said they saw a man-like figure flow over their heads. Freakishly enough, another sighting of Mothman was noted at the site of a bridge collapse. One of the eyewitness stories retold is about Ernesto Campa. Whether these sightings are real or not, the Mothman can still be seen in Point Pleasant today in the form of a historical museum, and also in the form of a 12-foot-tall chrome-polished statue, complete with massive steel wings and ruby-red eyes. The creature had brilliant red eyes. This sighting started a rash of Mothman sightings. Another UFO Clearinghouse Mothman report was filed on April 7, 2017 by a man walking his dog in a Chicago park at night. The woman was adamant she'd seen the creature staring at her as though she were prey. marada/FlickrA statue of the infamous Mothman in Point Pleasant, West Virginia. By now, they were only a few feet from the figure. For further details of our complaints policy and to make a complaint please click this link:, This image of the winged figure has sparked fears the Mothman may have returned to West Virginia, The mythological creature was featured in The Mothman Prophecies film starring Richard Gere and Laura Linney, photos have circulated in local media purporting to show the winged beast in Point Pleasant once again, Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO). Goose? UFO Clearinghouse has multiple reports of Mothman sightings. The two of them came upon a man about 7' tall standing in a clearing. The idea that visitations from the Mothman predicted disaster led some believers to make ties to the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, the Mexican swine flu outbreak of 2009, and the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan. Modern storytelling transformed these gruesome monsters into beautiful, desirable c, 10 Most Haunted Places in Massachusetts for Ghost Believers, Massachusetts is known for its many spooky haunted places. The creature was said to have a wingspan of 12'-15' and standing height was 6'-7' tall. Youngman and Ben Flexner, Kentucky Louisville, July 29th 1880, (Flying Machines) New York, September 12th 1880, (Thunderbird) Deputy Nihiser and Peter Swadley, West Virginia, February 1895, (Flying Machines) Mayor Wells, Mount Vernon, Illinois, April 16th 1897, The Historic Lowe Hotel In Point Pleasant WV, Built In 1901, (Letayuschiy Chelovek) V. K. Arsenyev, Russia River Gobilli, July 11th 1908, (Headless Angel) Lucia Abobora And Three Other Children, Europe Cubeco Portugal, Summer 1915, (9 UFOs) Kenneth Arnold, Mount Rainier in Washington, June 24th1947, (Flying Machines) Bernice Zaikowski, Chehalis Washington, January 6th 1948, (Flying Machines) Viola Johnson and James Pittman, Washington, April 9th 1948, (Flying Machines) Resident, Butte Oregon, September 16th 1948, (Flatwoods Monster) Woodrow Eagle, below Gassaway on the Elk River near Sugar Creek WV, Sept 12th 1952, (Flatwoods Monster) Edward May, Fred May, Kathleen May, Neil Nunley, Ronnie Shaver and Eugene Lemon, Flatwoods WV, September 12th 1952, (Flatwoods Monster) George and Edith Snitowsky, road between Gassaway and Frametown WV, September 12th 1952, (Flatwoods Monster) A Birch River resident, circling the Flatwoods Area, September 12th or 13th 1952, (Flatwoods Monster) Unknown, James Knob WV, September 12th or 13th 1952, (Flatwoods Monster) Woman and her mother, eleven miles away from Flatwoods WV, Sept 12th or 13th 1952, (Flatwoods Monster) Director of the local Board of Education, Flatwoods WV, 6:30 a.m. on Sept 13th 1952, (Flying Machines) Hilda Walker, July 18th 1953, Men In Blackenter UFO-lore via Albert Bender's story, 1953, Wave of UFO reports in Michigan, March 1966, Ohio police claim to have chased UFO, April 16th 1966, Unidentified Flying Objects Seen In West Virginia 1966, (Mothman) Lawrence Gray, Jefferson Avenue Pt Pleasant WV, August 1966, (Indrid Cold) Woodrow Derenberger, Intersection of I-77 & Route 47 Parkersburg WV, Nov 2nd 1966, The Woodrow Derenberger Interview, November 3rd 1966, (Mothman) Kenneth Duncan, Reamer Hill Cemetery near Clendenin WV, November 12th 1966, (Mothman) Merle Partridge, Salem WV, November 14th 1966, Original Mothman Police Reports, Written November 15th - 18th 1966, (Poltergeist Activity) Scarberrys, Pt Pleasant WV, Throughout Nov '66 - Dec '67, (Mothman) Scarberry Couple, 13th Street Pt Pleasant WV, Throughout Nov '66 - Dec '67, "Couples See Man-Sized BirdCreatureSomething" Newspaper, released November 16th 1966, "Winged, Red-Eyed 'Thing' Chases Point Couples Across Countryside" Newspaper, released Nov 16th 1966, "Four Pt. He was one of eight eyewitnesses who saw the humanoid flying overhead and eventually it landed at the elementary school. Investigators traced the pandemic's origins to the month of April, just a month after more than 30 sightings of Mothman were reported in and around Chihuahua. The Mothman Prophecies (2002) is a major motion picture, loosely based on the 1975 book of the same name by John Keel. Charles Johnson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Wikimedia Commons. Charles Johnson, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers/Wikimedia CommonsThe small town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia, along the bank of the Ohio River. Sightings are bullet pointed, events are in brackets and Mothman sightings are in bold. The Mothman locked gazes with the pilot and turned its head to maintain eye contact as the shuttle passed it. The text is left exactly how it was originally written, these have not been edited: "I am a 33 year old business professional, living in Arkansas. A man in Indiana near the Prairie Creek Reservoir has also spoken to the Singular Fortean Society about a series of glowing orb sightings from 1981 to 2020 that could be related to the Lake Michigan Mothman phenomenon. A sandhill crane, a popular explanation for the Mothman legend. "Couples See Man-Sized BirdCreatureSomething", "Monster Bird With Red Eyes May Be Crane", "Munitions Risk Closes Part of Wildlife Area Again", "Mothman' still a frighteningly big draw for tourists", "Man photographs creature that resembles legendary, "Is the Mothman of West Virginia an Owl? And on that cold December day, that was exactly what happened. reset. Footage of the wreckage of the Silver Bridge and interviews with witnesses and survivors. The moment took place in The Clifton F. McClintic Wildlife Management Area, in West Virginia, US. The group initially justified their experience as a result of drinking too much, but one of the friends who witnessed the creature hadn't been drinking. Recently I started spending half my time in Chicago. Terrified, the woman screamed and crouched down by the cars as the creature charged towards her. Mason County Sheriff George Johnson commented that he believed the sightings were due to an unusually large heron he termed a "shitepoke". So scary! they wrote. Around this same time, the observer also heard from a former co-worker who claimed to have found a number of dead dogs arranged in a pile near the same location where the sightings of the creature had occurred. To this day, some still believe that the fearsome beast took his beloved pet. It is possible that this witness experienced sleep paralysis, rather than anything paranormal. Newspaper, released November 18th 1966, "Red Eyed 'Winged Monster' Sighted in W. Virginia" Newspaper, released November 18th 1966, "Wild Story Produced in Wildlife Preserve" Newspaper, released November 1966, "Night Rider In Sky Afraid of Lights" Newspaper, released November 1966, 'Red-Eyed Creature' Reported in W. Va. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. First sighted near point pleasant West Virginia in 1966 some say he is a harbinger of doom sent from another dimension, while others believe he is a mutated owl who had the misfortune of making its home in the now-famous " TNT . The hikers ran away down the trail, attempting to get away from the creature, but it followed after them, making a horrible screeching sound, which almost caused one of the hikers to pass out. The chilling story of how sightings of the mysterious Mothman preceded the tragic collapse of Point Pleasant's Silver Bridge in 1967. Newspaper, released November 18th 1966 ], [ "Red Eyed 'Winged Monster' Sighted in W. Virginia" Newspaper, released November 18th 1966 ]. Because of its proximity to Point Pleasant, there is no surprise that residents of Galliopolis would report encountering Mothman frequently as well. Knowing how absurd this must have sounded to a local paper in a small, Appalachian community in the 1960s, Scarberry insisted that the apparition couldnt have been a figment of his imagination. This encounter was very similar to the first and also involved paralysis in his bed for what seemed like at least an hour to him. It was then brought back to public attention after the 2002 film The Mothman Prophecies starring Richard Gere. Many of the homes were built in the mid-16, Tales of the Black Angel Statue of Oakland Cemetery, In a cemetery in Iowa City, IA, you'll find a towering black angel statue watching over a grave. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. [8], On November 15, 1966, two young couples from Point PleasantRoger and Linda Scarberry, and Steve and Mary Mallettetold police they had seen a large white creature whose eyes "glowed red", standing at the side of the road near "the TNT area", the site of a former World WarII munitions plant. [ The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel, released 1975 ], [ The Eighth Tower by John Keel, released 1975 ], [ "Mason 'Mothman Prophecies' Author Keel Dedicates Book to the Late Mary Hyre" Newspaper, March 30th 1975], [ David Letterman Interviews John Keel, July 28th 1980 ], [ Disneyland of the Gods by John Keel, released 1988 ], [ The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel is reprinted with Frank Frazetta's art, 1991 ], [ The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, closed 1994 ], [ The Complete Guide to Mysterious Beings (revised version ofStrange Creatures from Time and Space) by John Keel, released 1994 ], [ The West Virginia State Penitentiary, closed 1995 ], [ The X-Files: "Detour" episode, aired November 23rd 1997 ], [ "Mason County 'Mothman' has his resurrection on TV" Newspaper, released Nov/Dec 1997 ], [ Mothman: The Facts Behind The Legend by Jeff Wamsley and Donnie Sergent Jr, book released Dec 15th 2001 ], [ Men in Black: The Animated Series, 2001 ], [ Point Pleasant Interview With Actor Will Patton, 2001 ]. He also incorporated UFO activity. In 2002, a movie based on Keels book rekindled interest in the Mothman. In the papers, they called the Mothman a bird and a mysterious creature. On November 12, 1966, five men who were digging a grave at a cemetery near Clendenin, WV claimed to see a man-like figure fly low from the trees over their heads. The frightened pilot reported that the winged humanoid had glowing red eyes. Five men were in the local cemetery that day, preparing a grave for a burial, when something that looked like a "brown human being" lifted off from some nearby trees and flew over their heads. The most recent sighting comes with creepy images of what looks like a winged man leaping between trees. The kids described the creature they encountered as tall and pale with glowing red eyes. Her experiences with the paranormal include leading workshops and a talk radio show. The myth was written about extensively by Gray Barker in 1970, an America writer known for his books on UFOs and other paranormal phenomena, and John Keel in 1975. Unlike most other sightings, which appear outdoors, usually in the woods or forest, this witness encountered the creature inside their own home. As several locals experience premonitions of distant disasters, theres talk of visitations from a mysterious figure called the Mothman. They said it had been a large flying man with wings ten-foot wide and it followed their car. Furthermore, a festival commemorating the Mothmans visits has taken place annually for years a fun celebration that attracts locals and tourists alike. In 2017, a man witnessed what he claimed was a winged human jump off the top of Willis Tower in downtown Chicago. An interactive map of sightings of the Chicago Mothman over the past two years. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. An anonymous resident of Columbus, Ohio, reportedly encountered Mothman while hiking with two friends along forest trails one evening in 2003 as the sun began to set. Could there really be a winged, red-eyed creature terrorizing parts of West Virginia and Ohio, or are these sightings better explained by alcohol use, sleep paralysis, and plain old fabrication? by Charles Fort, book released 1931 ], [ Wild Talents by Charles Fort, book released 1932 ], [ Cryptozoology, term coined by Ivan Sanderson in the 1940's ], [ "Flying Saucers" become a social phenomenon, 1947 ], [ Men In Blackenter UFO-lore via Albert Bender's story, 1953 ], [ Jadooby John Keel, book released 1957 ], [ Wave of UFO reports in Michigan, March 1966 ], [ Ohio police claim to have chased UFO, April 16th 1966 ]. READ MORE:Italy holidays: New FCDO update as Covid test rules for Britons change. And while you seldom have only one color in your aura, mo. [ "Wild Story Produced in Wildlife Preserve" Newspaper, released November 1966 ]? This is a chronological listing of documented sightings and events with names, locations and dates. The daughter ran into the bedroom in response to her mother's scream. The creature allegedly stopped about ten feet away from the car, and the witness and his friends could see the outline of the creature. During Joes sophomore year at Akron University, he made a series of paintings based on these experiences, which he called The Willies. A fellow student allegedly told him that she had encountered the exact same thing as a child. The following is a list of 26 first hand sightings of The Mothman that were submitted and displayed publicly on the Mothmanlives website. Top 5 mothman sightings caught on camera. According to Gallo, "people more likely to visit a paranormal-centric website like Strickler's might also be more inclined to believe in, and therefore witness the existence of, a 'Mothman'. There have been all kinds of stories about people seeing this creature around the airport. This explanation was compelling, especially given the number of early reports that had described the creature as bird-like.. It had human arms and legs. Newspaper, released November 19th 1966 ], [ Our Bird Has Law On Its Side" Newspaper, released November 19th 1966 ], [ "Mason Bird Monster Presumed Gone Now" Newspaper, released November 22nd 1966 ], [ "Oh, That 'Bird!' The Mothman is a legendary creature which was first seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia on November 12, 1966. asking if they saw the Mothman - he's just counting the number of people that voluntarily came forward to report a sighting." According to Gallo, "people more likely to visit a paranormal . See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. The bird may have wandered out of its migration route, and therefore was unrecognized at first because it was not native to this region. Another said: The Mothman found on Google Maps!. The 2002 film The Mothman Prophecies, starring Richard Gere, was based on Keel's book. Creature Something.. Locals became convinced they were seeing the Mothman in birds and other large animals even long after the prankster had given up on the joke. He pulled off the highway and took some hasty photos of the creature moving about and captured the now iconic image of it in flight. ", "Monster Bird with Red Eyes may Be Crane", "The Mothman and the Crane: A Contemporary Perspective", "People Keep Seeing the Mothman in Chicago",, Winged Man, Bird Man, UFO-Bird, Mason Bird Monster, This page was last edited on 27 April 2023, at 00:47. I've lived in big cities all my life from the time I left home. Point Pleasants fame as the home of the Mothman legend hasnt waned in recent decades. Point Pleasant holds an annual Mothman Festival, complete with "rides, tacos in a bag and speakers," Craig said. 2 in Point Pleasant tonight. This was the first reported sighting of what would come to be known as the Mothman, an elusive creature that remains as mysterious as it was on the night that a few frightened witnesses first laid eyes on it. When it spread out its wings, the birdman released a loud screech, then blasted into the air. [ Harris Steakhouse AKA The Mothman Diner, 1969 ], [ Strange Creatures From Time And Spaceby John Keel, book released 1970 ], [ Operation Trojan Horseby John Keel, book released 1970 ], [ "Point Correspondent Mary Hyre Dies at 54" Newspaper, February 17th 1970 ], [ Our Haunted Planetby John Keel, book released 1971 ]. May 8th 1967, (Mothman) Brenda Stone and another woman, Route 62 TNT Area Pt Pleasant WV, May 19th 1967, June 1967 Mary Hyre's Letters To John Keel, July 1967 Mary Hyre's Letters To John Keel, August - December 1967 Mary Hyre's Letters To John Keel, Where The Waters Mingle by Mary Hyre November 16th 1967, (Mothman) Elderly businessman, Point Pleasant WV, The Silver Bridge Collapse, December 15th 1967, (Men In Black) Mary Hyre, Newspaper Office WV, December 22nd 1967, (Flying Machines) Businesssman, Arlington Virginia, Winter 1968-69, (Winged Woman of Vietnam) Earl Morrison, Da Nang Vietnam, August 1969, Harris Steakhouse AKA The Mothman Diner, 1969, "Point Correspondent Mary Hyre Dies at 54" Newspaper, February 17th 1970, (Giant Bird) Thomas Downy, Norton Massacusetts, Summer 1971, (White Thing) Seven year old boy, The TNT Area WV, July 1973, "Mason 'Mothman Prophecies' Author Keel Dedicates Book to the Late Mary Hyre" Newspaper, March 30th 1975, (Owlman) Reports in Cornwall England, 1976-95, (Dover Demon) Bill Bartlett, Dover Massachusetts, April 21st 1977, (Dover Demon) John Baxtor, Miller Hill Road Massachusetts, April 21st 1977, (Dover Demon) Abby Brabham, Springdale Avenue Massachusetts, April 22nd 1977, (Giant Bird) Edward Cook, Wyoming County WV, August 1978, David Letterman Interviews John Keel, July 28th 1980, (NASA Gargoyle) Frank Shaw, Houston Texas, 1986, The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, closed 1994, (White Thing) Former Navy seaman, Forrest WV, 1994, (White Thing) Two Children, Boone County WV, 1994, The West Virginia State Penitentiary, closed 1995, (White Thing) Couple, Boone County WV, 1995, The X-Files: "Detour" episode, aired November 23rd 1997, "Mason County 'Mothman' has his resurrection on TV" Newspaper, released Nov/Dec 1997, (White Thing) Two Campers, Boone County WV, 1999, (Angel/Winged Humanoid) Steven Moran, New York, September 11th 2001, (Flying Machine) Man, Bristol Connecticut, November 4th 2001, Point Pleasant Interview With Actor Will Patton, 2001, "Reporter's night went by without Mothman sighting" Newspaper, released January 1st 2002, The Mothman Prophecies Movie, released January 25th 2002, The "Search For The Mothman" Documentary, released January 2002, "Memories of Mothman" Newspaper, released February 14th 2002, "Return of The Mothman" Newspaper, released February 2002, Mothman on Unsolved Mysteries TV show, aired July 29th 2002, 1st Annual Mothman Festival, November 16th 2002, (White Thing) Aaron R, Frankfort Cemetery WV, June 24th 2003, 2nd Annual Mothman Festival, September 13th 2003, 3rd Annual Mothman Festival, September 18th and 19th 2004, (Flying Manta Ray) Huntington WV, December 3rd 2004, The "Blackbird of Chernobyl" story emerges online, 2005 (earliest known), The "Freiburg Shrieker" story emerges online, 2005 (earliest known), 4th Annual Mothman Festival, September 16th and 17th 2005, 5th Annual Mothman Festival, September 16th and 17th 2006, (Manbat / Winged Humanoid) Awohali, Wisconsin, September 2006, (Winged Humanoid) Woman, Stewartville Minnesota, June 27th 2007 - Retroactive, 'John Keel On Mothman' September 2007 FATE Article, 6th Annual Mothman Festival, September 15th and 16th 2007, (Giant Bird) Clendenin, September or October 2007, "'Mothman' still a frighteningly big draw for tourists" Newspaper, released January 19th 2008, Return to Point Pleasant Comic Book, released September 1st 2008, 7th Annual Mothman Festival, September 20th and 21st 2008, (Winged Humanoid) Lamont Greer, Sacramento California, August 2009, 8th Annual Mothman Festival, September 19th and 20th 2009, MonsterQuest's Mothman Episode, aired February 10th 2010, (Flying Chupacabra) Miguel Negron, Puerto Rico, June of 2010, 9th Annual Mothman Festival, September 18th and 19th 2010, (Flying Chupacabra) Other residents, southwestern Puerto Rico, 2010, (Flying Chupacabra) Valdo, Guanica Sugar Mill, 2010, (Mothman) Student, Point Pleasant WV, 2010, The "Eyes of The Mothman" Documentary, released February 22nd 2011, 10th Annual Mothman Festival, September 17th and 18th 2011, 11th Annual Mothman Festival, September 15th and 16th 2012, (The Swift Peter / Flying Creature) Marie, Mississippi, Summer of 2013, 12th Annual Mothman Festival, September 21st and 22nd 2013, (Winged Humanoid) Will Davis, Hank and Susan Miller, Oregon, December 2013, Dale Morton's Mothman Costume, started February 2014 and finished May 2014, (Mothman-like creature) K. Brown, Greeley Colorado, March 10th 2014, Fish Fisher - The Mothman of Point Pleasant, released May 5th 2014, Navy Poster Museum, opened September 2014, 13th Annual Mothman Festival, September 20th and 21st 2014, (Mothman) Andy Colvin, Point Pleasant WV, Around 2015, Art of Point Pleasant Comic Book, released 2015, Iron Spell - The Night of the Mothman, released August 24th, 2015, Winged Humanoid Reports in Singapore, Aug 28-Nov 2015, 14th Annual Mothman Festival, September 19th and 20th 2015, (White Thing) six campers, Fulks Run Virginia, 2015, Brian Zeller - Mothman, What You Gonna' Do Now?, video released on June 18th 2016, Filming begins for The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary, September 15th 2016, 15th Annual Mothman Festival, September 17th and 18th 2016, Brian Zeller - Silver Bridge Has Fallen Down, video released on September 27th 2016, (Mothman) WSAZ Caller/Man, Point Pleasant West Virginia, November 20th 2016, Filming wraps on The Mothman of Point Pleasant, February 2017, Pre-release screening of The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary at The Lowe Hotel, May 27th 2017, The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary, The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary Screening at The WV State Theater, September 15th 2017, 16th Annual Mothman Festival, September 16th and 17th 2017, The Flatwoods Monster: A Legacy of Fear by Small Town Monsters, released April 6th 2018, 17th Annual Mothman Festival, September 15th and 16th 2018, 18th Annual Mothman Festival, September 21st and 22nd 2019, (Large Crow) Abe and Mildred Patterson, Fayetteville WV, August, (Bluefield's Gargoyle) Robert S, Bluefield WV, (Giant Bird) Elias Midkoff, Lincoln County WV, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. The eyewitness described it as being half man and half bird. Brunvand notes that recountings of the 196667 Mothman reports usually state that at least 100 people saw Mothman with many more "afraid to report their sightings" but observed that written sources for such stories consisted of children's books or sensationalized or undocumented accounts that fail to quote identifiable persons. [27], According to the event organizer Jeff Wamsley, the average attendance for the Mothman Festival is an estimated 1012thousand people per year. An annual festival is devoted to the legend. [27] The phone call was from her boyfriend and her roommate's boyfriend, but when they heard her screams, they ran over to the apartment. The idea that visitations from the Mothman predicted disaster led some believers to make ties to the Chernobyl disaster of 1986, the Mexican swine flu outbreak of 2009, and the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan. Thirteen people died and nearly 145 were injured in its fall. Flying humanoids are very commonplace in the northern region of Mexico. Its worth noting that the Mothman legend bears a resemblance to several demon archetypes found among those who have experienced sleep paralysis, which may suggest that the visions are nothing more than the embodiment of typical human fears, pulled from the depths of the unconscious and grafted onto real-life animal sightings when people panic. As they were walking, the three friends allegedly heard a noise behind them. Is Mothman really a paranormal creature who terrorizes residents of West Virginia and its surrounding areas? [21], Conversely, Joe Nickell says that a number of hoaxes followed the publicity generated by the original reports, such as a group of construction workers who tied flashlights to helium balloons. The man described the wings as being batlike with a 10' wingspan. He was shocked at the brashness of the human creature as it sat perched no more than 15' away from the passing shuttle, yet wasn't scared of being seen. While the photos are blurry, you can clearly see what appear to be human legs and a human torso and large wings sailing overhead. This included two volunteer firefighters, who said they saw a very large bird with large red eyes.. But every so often, a sighting emerges. [ "Reporter's night went by without Mothman sighting" Newspaper, released January 1st 2002 ], [ Mothman and other curious encounters by Loren Coleman, book released January 1st 2002 ], [ The Mothman Prophecies Movie, released January 25th 2002 ], [ The Mothman Prophecies by John Keel is reprinted, 2002 ], [ The "Search For The Mothman" Documentary, released January 2002 ], [ "Memories of Mothman" Newspaper, released February 14th 2002 ], [ "Return of The Mothman" Newspaper, released February 2002 ], [ Mothman on Unsolved Mysteries TV show, aired July 29th 2002 ], [ 1st Annual Mothman Festival, November 16th 2002 ], [ 2nd Annual Mothman Festival, September 13th 2003 ], [ 3rd Annual Mothman Festival, September 18th and 19th 2004 ], [ MothmanBehind The Red Eyes by Jeff Wamsley, book released on April 1st 2005 ], [ The "Blackbird of Chernobyl" story emerges online, 2005 (earliest known) ], [ The "Freiburg Shrieker" story emerges online, 2005 (earliest known) ], [ 4th Annual Mothman Festival, September 16th and 17th 2005 ], [ 5th Annual Mothman Festival, September 16th and 17th 2006 ], [ 'John Keel On Mothman' September 2007 FATE Article ], [ 6th Annual Mothman Festival, September 15th and 16th 2007 ], [ "'Mothman' still a frighteningly big draw for tourists" Newspaper, released January 19th 2008 ], [ Return to Point Pleasant Comic Book, released September 1st 2008 ], [ 7th Annual Mothman Festival, September 20th and 21st 2008 ], [ 8th Annual Mothman Festival, September 19th and 20th 2009 ], [ MonsterQuest's Mothman Episode, aired February 10th 2010 ], [ Mothman 2010 Syfy Movie, April 24th 2010 ], [ 9th Annual Mothman Festival, September 18th and 19th 2010 ], [ The "Eyes of The Mothman" Documentary, released February 22nd 2011 ], [10th Annual Mothman Festival, September 17th and 18th 2011], [ Lost Grooves Comic Book, released 2012 ], [ Monsters of West Virginia by Rosemary Ellen Guiley, book released 2012 ], [ 11th Annual Mothman Festival, September 15th and 16th 2012 ], [ Mothman Toons Comic Book, released 2013 ], [ The Tale of The Mason County Mothman by George Dudding, book released February 12th 2013 ], [ The Flatwoods Monster by George Dudding, book released March 30th 2013 ], [ 12th Annual Mothman Festival, September 21st and 22nd 2013 ], [ Dale Morton's Mothman Costume, started February 2014 and finished May 2014 ], [ Fish Fisher - The Mothman of Point Pleasant, released May 5th 2014 ], [ Navy Poster Museum, opened September 2014 ], [ 13th Annual Mothman Festival, September 20th and 21st 2014 ], [ Art of Point Pleasant Comic Book, released 2015 ], [ The Silver Bridge Tragedy by George Dudding, book released March 24th 2015 ], [ Iron Spell - The Night of the Mothman, released August 24th, 2015 ], [ 14th Annual Mothman Festival, September 19th and 20th 2015 ], [ The Mothman Wiki, started February 10th 2016 ], [ Brian Zeller - Mothman, What You Gonna' Do Now?, video released on June 18th 2016 ], [ The Mothman Wiki has over 100 articles, July 18th 2016 ], [ Filming begins for The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary, September 15th 2016 ], [ 15th Annual Mothman Festival, September 17th and 18th 2016 ], [ Brian Zeller - Silver Bridge Has Fallen Down, video released on September 27th 2016 ], [ 50th Anniversary of the November 15th 1966 Mothman Sighting ], [ Filming wraps on The Mothman of Point Pleasant, February 2017, [ Pre-release screening of The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary at The Lowe Hotel, May 27th 2017 ], [ The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary by Small Town Monsters, released June 2nd 2017 ], [ The Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary Screening at The WV State Theater, September 15th 2017 ], [ 16th Annual Mothman Festival, September 16th and 17th 2017 ], [ The Mothman Wiki has over 200 articles, November 9th 2017 ], [ Mothman: Evil Incarnate by Loren Coleman, book released December 6th 2017 ], [ 50th Anniversary of the Silver Bridge Collapse, December 15th 2017 ], [ The Flatwoods Monster: A Legacy of Fear by Small Town Monsters, released April 6th 2018 ], [ Flatwoods Monster: A Legacy of Fear film screening at The Elk Theater in Braxton County WV, April 7th 2018 ], [ 17th Annual Mothman Festival, September 15th and 16th 2018 ], [ Terror In The Skies documentary is released by Small Town Monsters on June 7th 2019 ], [ 18th Annual Mothman Festival, September 21st and 22nd 2019 ], I cannot find the date of these sightings and events.

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