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The funding, which will roll out over two years, will directly impact those with the highest needs in New Zealand, Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall and Associate A new iwi-led plan to transform the way tamariki and whnau in Te Matau a Mui (Hawkes Bay) are supported was officially launched at Waipatu Marae today by Minister for Children Kelvin Davis. Get more of the radio, music and podcasts you love with the FREE Yeah I'll take my chances where I am with the processes already in place. Ive said before No cyclone levy in the Budget No frills Budget balancing fiscal restraint with funding the basics Alongside cost of living support and cyclone recovery, PM signals Budget focus on investments in skills, science and technology and infrastructure to grow economy The Government has ruled out a specific Unlocking the potential of the wood processing sector, growing our economy and contributing to New Zealands climate change response is the aim of a new fund announced by Forestry Minister Peeni Henare today. Building houses should be seen as an essential service because of the housing shortage is contributing to the tentacles of covid flourishing in overcrowded poor housing conditions. Health experts and community leaders are aligned with whnau and public opinion to expand Ka Ora Ka Ako - Healthy School Lunches in the latest release of Growing Up in New Zealand data. Sonny Fatu says he has served his debt to society and is a "completely different man" to what he was 33 years ago when he was convicted of manslaughter. From the middle of the year, the governments clean car discount scheme will be tweaked as a result of higher than expected uptake since it first came into effect. and you dont recognise someone taking the mickey out of you when you see it, PR. McCauley was at pains to note the violence she suffered over 16 years was not the fault of the Mongrel Mob, but the cruelty of one person. If your motivation is totally selfish then you should support Sonny having special status. She described her kidnapper to police as a 30- to 40-year-old Maori man. I have always thought that gang members were tough, fearless macho guys, but it seems now, that some are frightened of a pin prick in their arms. But the Mongrel Mob leader says he feels obligated, as a father, to hunt down the people who tried to snatch her. Total R&D expenditure reached over five billion dollars in 2022, covering the business, government, and higher A fleet of 18 brand new trains for Wairarapa and Kapiti Coast: Increase capacity by approximately 1.5 million trips Time savings of up to 15 minutes on the Manawat line Reduce over half a million tonnes of emissions Build resilience into the network More reliable, efficient, and safer train services A new integrated health facility built to improve and future-proof care for the Buller community was officially opened by Minister of Health Dr Ayesha Verrall this afternoon. It is not yet clear if Pasifika are being targeted disproportionately, as they were in the infamous raids of the 1970s. As. The debate should be about the last 10% getting vaccinated. Militarising police forces against gangs was proven not to work, Sonny Fatupaito said, but systemic racism and racial profiling by police was an ongoing issue for Mori and Pasifika. The decision to speak out came at a cost. Sir Pita Sharples and Dame Tariana Turia the founding co-leaders of the Mori Party and Merepeka Raukawa-Tait, former chief executive of Women's Refuge were the headline speakers, as champions of social change over many years. They are real fears as well not like many of the fears middle class people have which are perceived. "If people who know better see the need for support from gang leaders to protect us all". However, despite the rebrand, significant concerns remain. The three-member panel for the Ministerial Inquiry, chaired by Hekia Parata, sought the extension from the Inquirys two lead Ministers, David Parker and Good afternoon everyone, its great to be with you today. Caught and dealt with appropriately. Right now Sonny Fatupaito is an essential worker. No spread. "Tedious" is exactly the word. The Government is making sure retailers can continue to get support for security and safety measures, by more than doubling the investment into the retail crime prevention programme, Police Minister Ginny Andersen announced today.,pillock%E2%80%94though%20its%20meaning%20remains. Wanting everyone to be protected from covid doesn't mean we like everyone. That is welcome news for shareholders who at the height of the pandemic must have feared their investment would crash and burn. New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern has endorsed allowing Mongrel Mob boss Sonny Fatupaito to enter Auckland during lockdown, saying he was part of the effort to track and isolate Covid.. It should be up to schools to decide whether to separate pupils by attainment Industry insiders say this week's failures could be symptoms of systemic dysfunction. If we followed the IEAs global study, we would need onlyinvest about $700m a year Aussie banks are supporting a ban on online gamblers using credit cards. Their leader, Sonny Fatupaito, a Mongrel Mob member for 33 years, says his chapter walked away from the gang's national council two years ago to forge a new kaupapa (founding values) of. But the Mongrel Mob leader says he . Shipping container linked to gang vanishes with help of port worker, From Harley Davidson to wheelchair: Inside the downfall of Killer Beez boss, Patching over: Mongrel Mob leader's brother, nephew join rival Comanchero, Gangs of New Zealand: Why gang numbers spiked by 50 per cent, Inside the gang tensions which brought Tauranga to a standstill, How a Sydney airport brawl changed NZ's gang scene forever. Fatupaito, of the Waikato Mob, has threatened to "take the law into [his] own hands" if the kidnappers who attempted to abduct the schoolgirl on Thursday don't turn themselves in. it's absolutely reasonable to take all measures to prevent that happening, in this case that means bringing someone those gang members will listen to so that they can get the information they need in order to get vaccinated. August 9, 2016, 4:14am. Waikato Mongrel Mob leader Sonny Fatupaito was granted an exemption to cross the Covid-19 border into Auckland. So are renewables worth it, and could the future of fusion save the day? Police have been openly sceptical of the chapter's "public relations machine", and in the past three months have twice alleged members of the Waikato Mongrel Mob were caught up in drug investigations. In Aotearoa, we have a Westminster system, which means the executive is chosen from the legislature, and automatically dominates it (at least on confidence and supply) - but its worse than that. Have you all lost your collective minds?". And very well put. RMA reform will not solve the climate crisis, Govt throttles rebate scheme for electric cars, Tension within the Labour Party over dismantling the neoliberal status quo, Guesswork and slogans: the wealth tax debate, Aucklands Future Transport Projects Consultation. "And when he said he wouldn't come, I knew [the media] would. Anything about vaccinations is secondary. The Clean Car programme will reduce 50 percent more emissions than originally estimated by 2035, and 230 percent more by 2025 Forecast to save New Zealand from importing 1.4 billion litres of petrol. However, does that mean among the hundreds of members are there people dealing drugs? These two men are risking their lives like all our essential workers to help their community. Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom president Sonny Fatupaito. This months open thread on climate topics. Hutchinson said the events were not focused on expansion or PR stunts but were focused on empowering their people within the kingdom. ha ha puckish rogue, you sound like Bill English who a few years ago publicly bemoaned the work ethic and general attitude of young people funny thing was that those young people were all born into and raised through Bill English's governments and policies i.e. When you look at the victim's of sexual abuse in church's and the membership of gangs there is a strong link. "I don't think they're masterminding any nefarious PR strategy. In March I asked the Cyclone Taskforce to work with insurance companies and local councils to build a picture of high-risk areas following Cyclone Gabrielle and January floods. We need to rapidly expand our renewable energy infrastructure in order to meet our climate change goals, David Parker said. They are not at risk and likely to pass the virus to others.. hard choices have to be made, and rules always create anomalies. Young New Zealand First strongly opposes the education announcement made by the government today. Ministers will accept greater risk for potential developments to head off a wider construction crash. Is that all? But where staff are fully vaccinated and routinely tested, and they are going from one level three area to another?? The more things like this happen the more emboldened they become, remember this: A bargain I should think. Well I am encouraged by this the government didn't take the easy but second rate path of ignoring the difficulty of fighting Covid in the demimonde they grasped the nettle and did their absolute best, recruiting every ally they could get us. Another for everyone else. Tags: News that the head of Waikatos Mongrel Mob chapter was given an essential workers exemption to travel to and around Auckland recently has attracted derision from the usual quarters. Scan the QR code to download now. The middle class couple had the money to make other choices, and chose not to. Last week, police announced 100 individuals with organised crime links were arrested during Operation Typhoon, a three-month investigation into methamphetamine manufacture in the Waikato. New Zealand Herald photograph / Alan Gibson. Because you lack imagination or understand sarcasm? I look forward to you consistently applying this new morality that 'admires' criminals while condemning people because 'they have choices'. We used to get a few gang folk at sea. ", President of the Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom Chapter Sonny Fatupaito keeps an eye on things as guests are welcomed into the gangs headquaters for a hui in Hamilton. He's always accompanied, no matter whatYou know, it just goes to show, when you think places are safe, especially around schools, well, they're notnot at all.". And then bang, some "person" (many here have much stronger names for them, much stronger) decided it was fine for them to breach the rules and we have covid here. With a 90% vaccination target that still leaves over 480 thousand people unvaccinated, if most of the gang members in NZ are in that unvaccinated number then thats their decision. The bigger issue that will piss a lot of people off is the number of much more deserving cases that can't get across. Tediously stale. And at least the boss of this organisation is trying to stop his group spreading the disease, rather than encouraging them to do it and being surprised when he gets charged. Gang members who try to leave Auckland hiding in the back of a truck to collect drug debts down the line, fwit and I hope he gets a spell inside. Here are 5 ways to tackle hidden energy poverty. I got beaten constantly, I got raped, I got tortured. There is deep concern that Covid is spreading through gang whanau. Same goes for Destiny and other christians who think God will protect them. Meanwhile, I'm fine with taking media reports on the topic at face value without feeling the need to make nefarious hidden goings-on. I don't blame them for being scared, everyone should be scared of the gangs but to have the government all but legitimise the Mob is the scariest thing of all. fuck National are tedious. The Government will ensure that the national significance of renewable electricity is given more weight in RMA decision-making, says Environment Minister David Parker. Prime minister Chris Hipkins has spoken to Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskiy for the first time since becoming leader, with the pair sharing a warm and insightful phone call this evening. The Govt puts the brakes on its spending in one part of the country, at least by introducing David Parkers Tax Ammunition: Use It, Or Lose It. The Minister of Defence Awards of Excellence for Industry have been announced at Parliament tonight. Back in July, the police issued another press release about the arrests of 29 people "including a senior member of the Waikato Mongrel Mob". If people who know better see the need for support from gang leaders to protect us all why would you complain? Settle in for a read of stories that caught our eye this week. Also, if Juco needs to travel to lead her group, why dont other leaders? Westland, which was taken over by the What to do with the Onehunga Line after the City Rail Link opens has been a discussion for many years and at last Thursdays Transport and Infrastructure Committee. Quite a good return on investment. Kerre Woodham: Those who don't fill out a Census will get no sympathy in five years' time, Kerre McIvor: In this instance, Sonny Fatupaito has something to offer. The standard theory of government is that we have three branches, executive, judiciary, and legislature, which are independent. A media law expert explains, 1 in 4 households struggle to pay power bills. In the middle of a cost of living crisis, todays move to hike the taxes on utes and other, so-called, gas guzzler vehicles is a kick in the guts to provincial and rural communities who already have it tough post-cyclone Gabrielle, says the Taxpayers We have published our Draft annual plan 2023/24 and are seeking feedback on our proposed work programme. I've been really impressed with the work going on inside Black Power here in the Eastern Bay to transform their community for the better. She detailed the abuse she suffered at the hands of her former partner, which she labelled a "16-year nightmare". And now the Independent Police Conduct Authority has. In a statement, via a spokesperson, Fatupaito said he has been liaising with health officials and police to assist in reaching people in communities within the gangs chapters and their whanau in Auckland. "The Waikato Police have negative attitudes and negative narratives that are obstructive to us and our determination to change our lives for the better," he said. Sonny Fatupaito was granted the exemption to minimise the spread of COVID-19 in hard to reach communities such as gangs. Some churches are as parasitic as gangs. However, if you or someone else is in danger or endangering others, call police immediately on 111. There's no doubt such a move would have created tension within the internal machinations of the gang. In an open letter to the police, Fatupaito said: "We absolutely refute this assertion, as that person has not been a Waikato Mongrel Mob Kingdom member for a number of years now". "My stance is well known across the Waikato region and throughout Aotearoa," said Fatupaito, saying his focus as leader is to influence, educate and empower members to live positive, constructive, and productive lives free from alcohol and drugs, and steer them in a direction away from criminal offending. No more cases. Yes I guess so, but this is a learn on the job situation, with a small time window to make critical decisions. Reread what I wrote, especially the part where I say I'M quite confident I'll shrug it off. Speech: IRD High Wealth Individuals Research Project launch, Victoria University 26 April 2023 Inland Revenue research released today reveals a large differential between the tax rates ordinary New Zealanders pay on their full income compared with the super-wealthy, Revenue Minister David Parker says. Same for financial fraudsters like Destiny and Panama /pandoras perpetrators. Long awaited High Wealth Individual Research released by Minister David Parkers office today shows, again, the Government must act to tax wealth and create a fair economy. READ: These Photos of New Zealand's Biggest Gang Will Give You Sleepless Nights. The High Wealth Individuals Research Project, which looked at income and assets from Making cheap, reliable cars more expensive for tradies and farmers in a cost of living crisis for no environmental gain will go down as one of Labours dumbest policies, says ACT Leader David Seymour. No surprise, living costs were up 7.7% in the past year. So, in this instance, Sonny Fatupaito has more to offer than that posturing narcissist Brian Tamaki. Imagine you're a young constable and you stop Sonny, with reasonable cause of course, and he starts spouting off all the people that vouch for him, From PM down, how would you react (and how would you really react). READ MORE: * Mongrel Mob, Black Power should join forces to repel invaders, gang leader says * Waikato Mongrel Mob president Sonny Fatupaito says gangs will surrender guns * Mongrel Mob gang members to stand guard at local mosque, in support of Muslim Kiwis. Moko was three when he was systematically beaten to death in a manner described as more brutal than the Nia Glassie case. The other, ruinous to all. "Because they've been in some dark places.". Dally-Paki considered Shailer a friend, and she offered to look after Moko and his older sister, so Dally-Paki could stay in hospital with her other son. The ringleader of a small group of ratbag kids who harassed us for several months when my late wife & I moved to our current place in 2005 we learned had a gang dad whod hanged himself. She and her new partner were "randomly" attacked by two Mongrel Mobsters. The Waikato head of the Mongrel Mob, Sonny Fatupaito said arrests followed searches at three Waikato Mongrel Mob addresses yesterday afternoon. This especially applies to the notes from the sessions, so please regard them as somewhat preliminary! The high-level of risk is far from over, the Mongrel Mob Kingdom will be facilitating further educational health programs in the Waikato. "If you prick us do we not bleed?" Strong demand for its services and falling jet fuel prices have pushed Air New Zealand to lift its full year earnings guidance. Fair enough (Lynx and Cool Charm is a helluva combination). Photo / Alan Gibson. "But still we are continually painted by your media section with the same brush as you would other organisations within the Mongrel Mob.". That nervousness was clearly evident in a keynote speech from Party President Sylvia Wood. In mid-April, the kapa from Te Khui Maunga, the regional area which encompasses the traditional waka boundaries of Aotea, Five years ago, AvaNiu Pasifika a Pacific healthcare, education and social services provider in Tauranga tried to expand their offering by. "Perhaps this is a deliberate ploy to obfuscate what the Mongrel Mob Waikato Kingdom is trying to achieve. Same goes for the cafe owner in Takaka or vaccine deniers.

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