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is as Randall Flagg in The Stand. (Flagg goes by many names in a bunch of King stories, but usually sticks with the initials R.F.) Flagg. Lauder confesses his love to Goldsmith, and she politely but firmly rejects him, before she and Redman reciprocate their feelings for each other. Following an assassination attempt by Lauder, Mother Abagail tells Redman that he must travel west to confront Randall Flagg in Las Vegas. Cross travels west with Lauder, but when Lauder's motorcycle crashes, she implies it was her intention for Lauder to die in a motorcycle accident, instead of being killed by Flagg upon their arrival in Las Vegas. The plot The Kid's body is later found by Redman, Underwood, Bateman, and Brentner on their journey to Las Vegas. My name is Russell Faraday, In 1978 Stephen King published The Stand, the novel that is now considered one of his finest works. Underwood calls him "the Wolfman" and wonders what his story is. (CBS) The episode sees a voiceover explaining how Frannies baby, named Abagail after Mother Abagail We loved the notion of Flagg lying against the tree, almost relaxed, almost relieved to be free of the responsibility of having to actually run a place and have all these followers hes concerned about and keeping in line. Stu is surprised to find himself wanting to avenge Lauder's death along with the bombing victims when he finally encounters Flagg. No. Odessa Young as Frannie Goldsmith in 'The Stand'. Terry and the wounded Farris exchange shots until Terry scores a kill with two direct hits to the face, leaving it unidentifiable. In the 2020 miniseries, he was portrayed by Alexander Skarsgrd. Yes, theres hope for humanity, but temptation will always be lurking in the shadows, biding its time. We made the show in the most compelling way we thought we could, he explains. April 26, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. EDT. Terry and Roberts are placed at an outpost close to a dam. One of Not once. WebRussell Faraday Martin Broadcloak (sometimes called "Marten Broadcloak") The Covenant Man Walter Hodji Nyarlathotep He Who Walks Behind the Rows (implied) Flagg Richard Farris Raymond Fiegler Original Universe The Stand Occupation Sorcerer High-ranking place in any hierarchy he is found Wandering plotter Powers/Skills Nigh-immortality Randall Flagg; Alias: Walter Padick Walter oDim Marten Broadcloak Bill Hinch Russell Faraday Richard Fannin Richard Freemantle Rudin Filaro Richard Farris Raymond Fiegler The Covenant Man Richard Fry Robert Franq Ramsey Forrest: Nickname: Nick Andros is an exception to this, unilaterally nixing Lauder's appointment to the committee out of distrust. When Terry and Roberts catch up to the Judge, Roberts feigns friendliness long enough to shake Judge Farris's hand. A college student from Ogunquit, Maine, Frances Goldsmith (often called Frannie) is pregnant at the start of the book, a topic which resulted in a painful standoff with her mother and the end of her relationship with the baby's father, Jesse Rider. Throughout the novel, Goldsmith becomes more and more homesick for her native Maine, and at the end she, Redman, and the baby return to Ogunquit; the last chapter also confirms that Goldsmith has become pregnant with her second child, with Redman as the father. Swann supports Underwood during his tenure as a member of the Free Zone Committee, in addition to serving as a devoted wife and a mother to Leo Rockway. Underwood leads the party after Redman breaks his leg during the journey to Las Vegas, where Underwood and Brentner eventually die in the nuclear explosion caused by the Trashcan Man. They experience a frightening trek through the Lincoln Tunnel, an incident that Underwood is often haunted by for much of the story. Shes defined by her pregnancy and her role is just to be worried about Stu (James Marsden), worried about her baby, worried about the future of humanity. The Stand (CBS All Access) Stu races back to the house, where Kojak leads him to the well. This man is none other than Randall Flagg as he appeared in the 1994 adaptation of The Stand. Lauder attempts to profess his love to Goldsmith but is rejected. What has happened will happen again, but theres always hope that the good guys will win out in the end. The Kid is also ambitious, unstable, and easily angered, traits that the Trashcan Man discovers when the character nearly kills him for spilling a can of beer on a carpet. A senior citizen with arthritis, Bateman often serves as a mentor figure to the younger Redman. After a discussion, Cross agrees to join Underwood and find other survivors. When pressed, his mother points out his greatest character flaw to him directly: "You're a takeryou came home to me because you knew that I have to give." When he decided he did indeed want to write the coda, our response was, What do you need from us to make that happen? He said, I just need to know where youre ending the story of the book. We had always said we want Stu [James Marsden] reunited with Fran and thought we would end the entire series with that last scene, from the expanded edition of Flagg presenting himself to a new group of people and then levitating. WebThe Stand: The Stand: Soul Survivors: Item Biography Randall Flagg / Russell Faraday: Tom Cullen: Walkin' Dude / Dark Man: Comments. The Trashcan Man performs his duties with proficiency until, while being teased by fellow workers, a comment causes him to experience a flashback regarding his tormented youth. After the plague facility proves to be a disappointment, the survivors head towards Nebraska, before reaching Colorado to join Mother Abagail; the group pick up more survivors during their journey. Bateman, along with Larry Underwood and Ralph Brentner, travels to Las Vegas where he is detained by Flagg's forces. He is the antagonist of the novel. The Hand of God makes its appearance, Vegas is wiped out, Stu returns to Boulder, the baby catches the flu but recovers, securing humanitys future, and Frannie convinces Stu to journey off to Maine to make a new life away from the messy business of rebuilding society. Some of those scenes that people are really attached to from the book, Im not sure theyre going to play the same way onscreen.. His ideas are used to improve the conditions within the community, and he frequently volunteers for the toughest jobs in the Boulder Free Zone, including the removal of dead bodies. Terry panics over what to do, eventually deciding to head south. Flagg emerges as the leader of a settlement in Las Vegas, Although Lauder claims to have dealt with his jealousy toward Redman, Goldsmith remains suspicious, which is later justified when she finds details of a plot to kill Redman in Lauder's diary. Stus final answer to this query is perhaps unsatisfying, but also rings true. Horgan plans to flee to Brazil with several others after first asking a reluctant Henreid to join them, saying sadly that he would go to Boulder if he thought they would accept him there and adding "it's justall gone bad here". In the 1994 miniseries, Terry was portrayed by Sam Raimi, while Roberts was portrayed by John Dunbar. When Redman is injured, Kojak stays behind, killing small animals to feed Redman and fetching sticks for fire-building. Did having a Frannie-Flagg scene in the finale affect plans for previous characters interactions with him? Its a constant struggle against the forces like Flagg that would exploit our worst and most base instincts and desires. Andros expresses a desire to press charges against his attackers, and the sheriff tracks down and arrests three of the four before falling ill with the superflu. As the plague and anarchy destroy New York, Underwood attempts to care for his dying mother, but she eventually succumbs to the superflu. Now hes done one more pass, writing the final episode of the CBS All Access miniseries, which just wrapped up. Harold Emery Lauder is sixteen years old and lives in Ogunquit, Maine, at the beginning of the novel. In the 1994 miniseries, Andros was portrayed by Rob Lowe, and is from Ridley, Pennsylvania. King first revised the ending of The Stand in 1990 with an expanded edition that added a few hundred more pages. Its pretty clear that King didnt just pop out this nifty new coda for the hell of it. Mildly injured in the assault and initially jailed, Andros is befriended by the local sheriff and his wife. Cross is attracted to Underwood but her subconscious conviction that she must remain "pure" has further strengthened and has begun to manifestCross begins to both fear and anticipate that she is destined to be with Flagg. During one session the group discovers that while hypnotized, Cullen possesses the same type of foresight as Mother Abagail, concurrently referring to himself as the "Tom" Andros met in Oklahoma and "God's Tom". Unlike the book, Flagg seems to The novel was published in 1978, with its narrative set during the 1980s; however, a second edition was released in 1990, is considerably longer than the first version (1,200 pages compared to 800 pages), and is set in the 1990s. Thats another epic tale of good vs. evil, and one in which Mr. Randall Flagg happens to be a bad guy. The Trashcan Man abandons his original plans of starting fires randomly across America to join Flagg when the Dark Man appears in his dreams and promises the Trashcan Man "great work" in the desert. Unless King wants to continue this story, that is the end of The Stand series, executive producer Benjamin Cavell tells TV Insider, nor will fans see any more footage because they made the decision not to release deleted scenes on the Blu-ray. At the execution of Underwood and Brentner, Henreid is then killed in the nuclear explosion caused by the Trashcan Man's atomic warhead. Of course, as we saw in the penultimate episode of The Stand, Stu is still alive, and fortunately it doesnt take too long into the episode for him to appear. Along with Stu Redman, Glen Bateman and Larry Underwood, Brentner travels to Las Vegas and is instrumental in convincing Underwood to leave Redman behind after he breaks his leg. After detonating the bomb, which kills seven people, Lauder and Cross flee toward Las Vegas. Director Josh Boone picks up with an unconscious Frannie at the bottom of this well. Most of Flagg's memories indicate that not only was he able to escape during the last moments of many of these events, they also nourished his evil nature.[7]. Please enter a valid email and try again. The Trashcan Man ultimately causes Flagg's apparent destruction, as the Hand of God descends from the sky and activates the warhead, destroying Las Vegas and every one of its inhabitants. Michael Faraday, (born September 22, 1791, Newington, Surrey, Englanddied August 25, 1867, Hampton Court, Surrey), English physicist and chemist whose many experiments contributed greatly to the understanding of electromagnetism. Redman asks her if people "ever learn anything", to which she reluctantly replies "I don't know". The revisedexpanded edition of the novel includes an epilogue in which Flagg, in a new incarnation, awakens in an unknown tropical location where he meets a primitive tribe. Lawry then tries to kill them both with a rifle and ends up joining Flagg. Lloyd Henreid starts off as a petty criminal who, along with Andrew "Poke" Freeman, engages in a killing spree across Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico, resulting in six murders, Freeman's death, and Henreid's detention in a Phoenix jail. At the center of The Stand, and one of its most captivating characters, is the villain Randall Flagg. Very clearly Mother Abagail and Flagg are two sides of a coin, mirror characters in some way. Serving as the main antagonist of the novels The Stand, The Eyes of the The pair secretly follows Underwood to Maine, where Joe attempts once again to kill Underwood, but is overpowered. While drinking beer with Underwood, Farris accepts the mission before Underwood can even muster the confidence to make the request, as he understands the spies' importance, assuring a saddened Underwood that he will be fine. Stephen King gives his Stand the ending hes wanted for decades with the CBS All Access miniseries. Redman and Goldsmith, who is pregnant again, this time by Redman, leave Boulder to raise their family in Ogunquit, Maine. He is the embodiment of evil, an antichrist-like being whose goal is destruction and death. The character does not appear in the 2020 miniseries. She and her followers make their way towards Boulder, Colorado where they establish the "Boulder Free Zone" government. He is the younger brother of Goldsmith's best friend, Amy Lauder, and is a social outcast at his local high school. As hes getting ready to drop a line down into it, the little girl from before appears out of nowhere and begins confidently giving instructions on what to do. On the way, one of the main characters, Stu Redman, breaks his leg and is left behind. Fun Facts In the revised-expanded version, the Trashcan Man briefly travels with a cocky street thug named The Kid, who becomes severely intoxicated and forces the Trashcan Man to masturbate him. John Mulaney at the Boston Symphony Hall for his Netflix special John Mulaney: Baby J. (Marcus Russell Price/Netflix) 8 min. The Kid has revealed to the Trashcan Man that he intends to replace Flagg, so Flagg sends wolves that trap the Kid in a car. She meets Larry in New York, but leaves him after nearly sleeping with him, later being brought to Boulder by Teddy Weizak. The character is last heard speaking to an army officer via radio in Los Angeles; it's unknown whether he survives the superflu or the chaos that follows. Hes always outside. Though compassionate, he goes to extreme lengths to cover up the accidental outbreak and subsequent pandemic for as long as he can, which includes ordering the execution of journalists who try to reveal the truth. Unable to cast aside his past humiliations and his feelings of betrayal from Goldsmith and Redman, Lauder instead focuses on vengeance. During his journey, Cullen has a prophetic dream that compels him to double back and find Redman, who has broken his leg and has contracted pneumonia. This act of free will marks the beginning of Flagg's downfall, as while he foresaw her assassination attempt and consequently thwarted it, he did not predict her suicide attempt and lost his chance to uncover Cullen. While those who meet Lauder suspect there is something troublesome about him, they keep their suspicions to themselves as they become preoccupied with the politics of the Free Zone and the recruitment of scouts to spy on Flagg. He frequently references himself in third person. A teacher at a private school in New Hampshire, Cross has retained her virginity due to a vaguely defined, but powerful, sense that she is destined for something "dark and unique." The very end introduces two rebirths: Randall Flagg and Mother Abigail. In the 2020 miniseries, he was portrayed by Greg Kinnear. He does not meet Rita Blakemoor in New York, instead meeting Nadine Cross there, alone. Shortly after, Underwood finds he is one of the few living people remaining in New York City. At the end of the novel, the "Hand of God" detonates a nuclear bomb, destroying Las Vegas and all of Flagg's gathered followers. Like most of the characters we followed in this story, she dreams of Flagg. King is all about challenging governmental authority just look at his Twitter feed if you dont believe me but he was especially pessimistic at the time of writing this book. WebAlexander Skarsgrd as Randall Flagg in CBS All Access The Stand. Erwins is killed in the explosion at the end of the book. Jurgens's affectionate behavior towards Redman causes Frannie Goldsmith feelings of consternation later, it is revealed that Jurgens is bisexual. In the 1994 miniseries, Harold was portrayed by Corin Nemec. However, when Lawry reveals her true nature, ridiculing Cullen's impairment and frightening him against Pepto-Bismol with a claim that the product is poison, Andros ultimately rejects her. The other natives step forward and kneel to Flagg, who levitates into the air and tells them that his name is Russell Faraday, and they should worship him. Hes reborn with a similar level of power and ambition but hes really starting from scratch in some way and remembering who he is and what he does. Bateman becomes part of the reform committee in Boulder and is later one of the four men who Mother Abigail proclaims must meet Flagg in Las Vegas. We were able to directly link the adulation Flagg gets from his followers to his power. He later appears very prominently in Flagg's society, and accompanies Lloyd in sending the Trashcan Man to Flagg, later is among the group which apprehends Dayna Jurgens, and breaks Larry's guitar before he and Ralph are taken on stage to die by dismemberment. Something or someone is watching from the rows of corn that flank the cute little house. She tries to kill him with a hidden knife, but he turns it into a banana. In the 1994 miniseries, Frannie was portrayed by Molly Ringwald. Faraday, who became one of the greatest scientists of the 19th century, began his The three are captured by Flagg, who plans an execution by dismemberment in front of the Golden Nugget Hotel in downtown Las Vegas. After reaching Boulder, she begins a relationship with Brad Kitchener, the only technician, even trying to have children with him. Along the way he meets Tom Cullen, and later, Ralph Brentner, June Brinkmeyer, Gina McCone, Dick Ellis, and Olivia Walker; the group becomes a surrogate family to him. After the initial joy wears off, Goldsmith's child falls ill with the superflu and she is devastated. Henreid is found by Flagg, who frees him from his cell after Henreid, at that point starving and nearly delirious, agrees to be Flagg's right-hand man, despite Henreid's suspicion that his liberator is actually a devil. Barry Dorgan is a friendly former detective of the police department in Santa Monica, California, US. I never say never. At Lauder's suggestion, the two make their way to the Stovington facility of the CDC, encountering Stu Redman along the way. At the end of everything, all the death, all the fighting, all the planning and walking and struggle, it comes down to Frannie, and she doesnt flinch. However, instead of Satan, as has been suggested in relation to the Dark Man, King compared Flagg to 1950s serial killer, Charles Starkweather. He also can shapeshift. It is Jurgens's desire to protect both Cullen and his status as a spy that compels her to commit suicide, rather than submit to further questioning from Flagg. Along with Glen Bateman, the group arrives at Stovington to confirm not only the deaths of everyone at the facility, but also that Redman was nearly killed in his escape from there. Underwood later breaks into Lauder's home with Frannie Goldsmith, after Joe instructs him to embark on an investigation before something horrible happens. Shed still be Frannie, but from time to time hed look through her eyes, get a lay of the land. You cant have a force for good without a force for evil. You defeat it for the moment and know its going to raise its head again. In the 2020 miniseries, a female version of the character named The Rat Woman, portrayed by Fiona Dourif, appears and is killed by the Hand of God's lightning. Farris and one of the sentries are killed in a shootout that leaves Farris' head obliterated, a sign that Flagg's power is fallible, and Flagg kills the surviving sentry for disobeying orders. Henreid is able to save himself from starvation by eating food that he has saved, along with whatever rats, roaches, or other vermin he can catchhe also very nearly consumes the leg of a dead cellmate (in the revisedexpanded version, Flagg insinuates that Henreid did indeed eat some human flesh, despite Henreid's attempts to hide the cuts in the leg before the Dark Man arrived). Are we doomed to repeat all the horrors that brought us to the brink of extinction? WebRandall Flagg, also known as "the Dark Man" or "the Walkin Dude", is the main antagonist of The Stand. In Las Vegas she recognizes Cullen and informs Henreid of Cullen's status as a spy. In the 2020 miniseries, he is portrayed by J. K. Simmons. Larry Underwood is a young, narcissistic singer-songwriter who, at the beginning of the novel, is starting to achieve significant success with his debut single, "Baby, Can You Dig Your Man?" The character is described, in Lawry's words, as "the only guy in Las Vegas too creepy [for Lawry] to sleep with; except maybe in a pinch". So 1 st question is who is that. Ralph Brentner, an amiable Midwest farmer and United States Army veteran, meets Nick Andros and Tom Cullen as their paths cross on a highway in Kansas; together they form the first party to find Mother Abagail. Henreid attributes his newfound abilities to Flagg, although Jurgens later suspects that Henreid's natural ability to anticipate problems has only been amplified by a fear of disappointing Flagg through failure. He really wanted to give her a satisfying conclusion to her arc in the book.. While Campion is on night duty, a deadly superflu virus escapes the military complex he is monitoring. I dont even think he said dance. The sentries are also ordered to not "mark the head" as Flagg wishes to send it back to the Free Zone before winter. King revealed in an interview that Flagg was partially inspired by Legion; Flagg is a hollow demon filled with other people's fear, hatred, and resentment. However, Flagg (who observed all of this in the guise of a crow) attacks and slowly executes Terry. Recovering after a night's sleep, Underwood travels to Maine, where he plans to spend the summer; along the way he meets Nadine Cross and the young Leo Rockway (known then only as "Joe" and behaving like a feral creature). The Trashcan Man transports the warhead across the desert in a trailer attached to an all-terrain vehicle, contracting a lethal case of radiation poisoning in the process. Permalink: These fine folks, they For saving his life and elevating him to his second-in-command position, Henreid is fiercely loyal to Flagg, a commitment that persists despite his growing doubts over Flagg's overall power and control. "Ratty" Erwins, also known as The Rat Man, is a pirate-like hoodlum. In the 2020 miniseries, he was portrayed by Henry Zaga. During the occasional passages told from Flagg's perspective, it becomes evident he does not know his origins and has no memory of his life before Captain Trips, though he vaguely remembers isolated, violent, or hateful events, such as participating in the Vietnam War, Ku Klux Klan lynchings, race riots in the 1960s, the kidnapping of Patty Hearst, and a vague speculation that he was involved in Charles Manson's family. Our first introduction of R.F. Cast Starring James Marsden as Stu Redman Odessa Young as Frannie Goldsmith Brad William Henke as Tom Cullen Alexander Skarsgrd as Randall Flagg Whoopi Goldberg as Mother Abagail Freemantle Guest Starring Kendall Joy Hall While Goldsmith agrees to let Redman travel with them, Lauder is highly resistant, mainly due to his own feelings for Goldsmith. She was portrayed by Katherine McNamara in the 2020 miniseries, where she is killed by the Hand of God's lightning. After being found by Tom Cullen, Kojak is taken back to Boulder. King brings back the ending to his 1990 edition, reviving Flagg among the natives who worship him as a God at the first demonstration of his power. In the novel, he is presented as diametrically opposed to Mother Abagails personification of good. M O O N. Permalink: You come back now, Stu. In the 1994 miniseries, the Trashcan Man was portrayed by Matt Frewer. Goldsmith saves the majority of the Committee when she intuitively senses the presence of a bomb Lauder has planted but is unable to prevent its detonation. Henreid subsequently finds himself feeling more intelligent and able than he thought he was, running several of the day-to-day activities in Las Vegas and overseeing operations at a military base. WebA world in which good rides on the frail shoulders of the 108-year-old Mother Abagail-and the worst nightmares of evil are embodied in a man with a lethal smile and unspeakable powers: Randall Flagg, the dark man. In the 1994 miniseries, The Rat Man was portrayed by Rick Aviles. In an unexpected turn of events, Randall Flagg (Alexander Skarsgrd) is alive and calls himself Russell Faraday. In a moment of emotional clarity, Lauder realizes that he is accepted and valued, and that he can choose a new life for himself as a respected member of society. This is who has been watching them from the corn. A 22-year-old deaf-mute drifter, originally from Caslin, Nebraska, Nick Andros is beaten and robbed outside of (fictional) Shoyo, Arkansas by some local thugs, shortly after the start of the epidemic. Oops. Underwood leads Cross and Joe to Stovington, Vermont, meeting Lucy Swann along the way. All Frannie has to do is give him a kiss, which will let him essentially live within her. Was there anything King wanted done or not done to set up the finale? John Mulaney at the Boston Symphony Hall for his Netflix special John Mulaney: Baby J. (Marcus Russell Price/Netflix) 8 min. Due to his savant talent regarding destructive devices, the Trashcan Man is assigned to search for weapons in the desert and assist in arming the fighter aircraft at Indian Springs Air Force Base. [Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for the finale of The Stand, The Circle Closes.]. Yeah, its bad news hes gathering a new batch of followers, but hes not doing so without an adversary wielding the light in this world. Following the passing of numerous centuries, Padick became an emissary for the Crimson King and assumes a range of identities, including Randall Flagg. In the 1994 miniseries, Henreid was portrayed by Miguel Ferrer. Horgan decides to take a "stand" against Flagg and publicly challenges him prior to the executions of Underwood and Brentner, leading to the realization from a few people in the crowd that Flagg has lied about what the Trashcan Man has done. (Flagg goes by many names in a bunch of King stories, but usually sticks with the initials R.F.) After wandering New England for several days, Redman meets and befriends Glen Bateman and, shortly after, Frances Goldsmith and Harold Lauder. Andros eventually recovers from the infection to his leg and begins his journey to Hemingford Home, Nebraska. Cross attempts to seduce Underwood but he rejects her, having committed to Swann. Later, Rockway reveals that Cross had already known it was too late to engage in sexual relations with Underwood. Mark later dies of appendicitis, depressing her, mixing her role with that of Perion from the novel. In the 1994 miniseries, Starkey is portrayed by Ed Harris. In the 1994 miniseries, Mother Abagail was portrayed by Ruby Dee, and is described as being 106 years old. Goldsmith is moderately injured in the blast, but her unborn child remains safe. As you know, King has been inspired by that character many times over the years. One rainy day while Terry is distracted by a comic book, he barely sees the Judge drive by in the Scout that Flagg told them to look for. He manages to flee with his wife and baby daughter when a computer relay system briefly fails and alerts do not sound in time for the base to enter lockdown before the Campions break out. WebRandall Flagg aka Russell Faraday. For the 2020 miniseries, Marilyn Manson was in talks to portray the Kid, but his part was cut out of the script during the writing process.[8]. Lauder succumbs to Cross' seduction, fulfilling Flagg's wishes by constructing a bomb to kill the Free Zone's leadership committee. What he consistently proves himself to be is a 73-year-old rich man who lives in one of the whitest states in the nation and probably doesn't encounter many She knows he lies. In the 1994 miniseries, Campion is portrayed by Ray McKinnon. By introducing a counterpart in this young girl in Nebraska, who does not exist in any previous version of the story, King takes away a little bit of Flaggs threat. The book was also adapted into a television mini-series, starring Gary Sinise, Molly Ringwald, and Rob Lowe and was released by the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) network in 1994. "Its all right, Mr. Henreid", Bateman says as he dies, "you dont know any better.". He was portrayed by Owen Teague in the 2020 miniseries, which retains Stu's group finding his body.

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who is russell faraday in the stand

who is russell faraday in the stand