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Get real people, it was sad, the whole story is sad but the reality is he played a lot of mind games and he got his. She must be held accountable for both murders. The reason I bring that up is because I myself know what it is like to go in front of a Judge that seems byest, or in favor of the party that has all the money, or fancy lawyer etc. Dan though of himself and his "new love" and nobody else. I'd grab Danny and hide in the closet," Kim told the Los Angeles Times. I agree--Dan and Stinky were garbage. She gave Lee her purse, in which police later found a .38-caliber revolver police believe was used in the shootings. There's only so much a person can take before they go off the dip end. I love you Betty and always praying for you. To suggest that two people somehow deserve to die and four innocent kids deserve to be orphaned is nuts. I am glad betty killed them.. supported him an the household while he went to school. Taking his 17 yr old daughter out of the will because of marijuana??? She told theLos Angeles TimesthatDan was just stalling while building his divorce case. Betty Broderick was thrust into the spotlight in 1989 when she committed the harrowing double murder of her ex-husband Daniel Broderick and his new wife, Linda Kolkena. Our laws have changed. Hes a lawyer using courts to punish everyone, not fix anything. "We were all. And yes she was a gold digger.but can't you just imagine the pitch he put on her ! The case made national headlines, spawned a handful of TV adaptations, and still finds relevancy more than 30 years later. It was a mess, and Dan couldn't MAKE Betty happy, EVER. The honeymoon was indeed over, and Betty threatened to leave Dan for the first time. The youngest of the four Broderick kids, Rhett learned about the death of his father and stepmother through a family friend. I don't have a strong dislike or any ill feelings against her because in short of all of her irrational behavior, she was what most women are; a homemaker, a great mother, and apparently a great friend to many. He and Linda were committing adultery . After reading these posts I'm stunned by the tacit approval of her crimes. Six feet under! She'd lose $250 each time she trespassed on the property, and $500 each time she entered his home. However, she put that idea to rest when she found out she was pregnant. Linda probably helped him to finally make the decision to leave. She was greedy and selfish. Netflix owes us answers after that ending. To Lisa L., is it true that Linda slept with Steve Kelley just before her marriage to Dan? He and Linda both continued to rub their relationship in Betty's face after he left her. But their aunts place was far from becoming a home for them. After her conviction, Lee and her siblings were raised by their maternal grandparents. She just wanted it to stop, so before the sun rose on Sunday, she took her daughter's house key, drove to Dan's home in La Jolla Shores, and crept into the bedroom he shared with Kolkena. Truly inconceivable how many more lives were effected by this tragedy than is ever imaginable. The second season Dirty John unspools Betty and Dan Broderick's contentious divorce in the 1980's, which culminated in a double homicide. That's just hypocritical, un-Christian, and illogical. The youngest daughter smoked pot. We're talking about a woman who murdered two people in cold blood and put her own children in danger due to her savagery. The conditions were set by Betty, who didn't want her children to come for Christmas or other big holidays. Despite her role in the trial, Lee vouched for her mother's release in 2010. He rubbed Linda in her face. Dan taunted Betty about her weight, sold the family home w/o speaking to Betty about it and then admitted she was right, he was having an affair w/his secretary, being discarded after YOU have put a man thru law school and bore his children.FREE Betty. "On multiple occasions [my brother and I] went to my dad and said to him that we wanted to live with my mom and that not having her kids was driving her crazyand that she could do something extremely irrational if she didn't have us.". (Actually the sequel, watched the original earlier this morning) I think what happened is that Betty felt that Dan had taken HER life. The will dictates that the Broderick estate be divided equally among the three other children, who will receive half of the principal of their trusts at age 25 and the remaining half at age 30. The way he treated Betty was beyond wrong! She began working as a Deputy District Attorney in San Diego in 2007, and she is reportedly highly respected in her field. Lee Broderick bottom In an instant, the lives of Betty Broderick's four children were forever altered. Betty's paid for her crime . And when that cash cow died, he stole from innocents. "I was dying for dad to divorce her. Ok then why not reach out to the many judges & other attorneys that he talked to & saw everyday? He could have easily put Lees portion into a trust administered by his more responsible kidsyou know, the ones who were on his side. I get a little pleasure thinking of that! Kim released a 2014 book titledBetty Broderick, My Mom: The Kim Broderick Story (opens in new tab),and opened up about how she and her siblings handled what happened(essentially agreeing to disagree). If I had to go home to arguments everyday I would have left too. So the courts didn't give you what you wanted/deserved? The Broderick's four childrendaughters Kim and Lee, and sons Dan and Rhetthave spoken publicly about Betty's crime. According to news reports, Daniel had allegedly become estranged from Lee and Rhett due to conflicts over their relationships and behavior, and he believed that they had become too influenced by their mother, Betty. In the records, jurors heard Danny Broderick plead with his mother to stop using "bad words," and he accused her of only caring about money. He could have asserted he was unhappy, and left. I will never condone what Betty did. And good ole Uncle Larry took, took and took some more from the boys money.He and anyone else taking care of the boys were living the high life on the boys dime. Cruel, cruel, man. ", 'Betty Broderick' Is an Experience in Gaslighting. All Rights Reserved. Nah. "I would've been fine. Would you like to have your childs overdose on your conscience?? Weirdly enough, when the divorce finally came, it didn't come from Betty. Having NO idea that being so young, socially immature, yes, perhaps using her attributes to get what she wants, but, she was single, yes no morals in her carefree immature mind, but Dan WAS married, with children, older, educated and for goodness sake "Knew better"! Betty, you were given a LIFE LINE for goodness sake! He promised me the moon.". After all - thatd be letting Dan win in the long run & as much as shes been through how dare he get the last laugh, even if its his spirit laughing. Actions have consequences. Thou shalt no commit Adultry , thou shall not fornicate , thou shall not covet thy neighbor! Not a conversation, a bet, a girl who wont date them, lawyers cannot stand to lose & Dan wouldve never stopped. so please believe me when I tell you, it DOES happen. Betty began unexpectedly dropping the kids off at their old house, thinking it would teach Dan a lesson in parenting. I'm out peace,love and happiness . Perhaps, it was at this point that Lee started getting distant from her father. Betty and Dan, who had had an ugly and public five-year divorce, shared four kids together: Kim, Lee, Daniel Jr., and Rhett. Get up to speed with our Essential California newsletter, sent six days a week. Without her he wouldn't have gotten so far so fast. Go Betty?? No wonder she snapped!Interesting that people here are criticizing Betty for not PRETENDING to be remorseful so she can be released. She was a knock out when they met and fit into Dan's projected image of himself. Well I have to say that Murder is never the solution unless you raped or physically harmed my wife or kids then it's on, but as far as what happened in this situation many years ago and still happens today is so F-ed up, the fact that she did everything possible to put all her needs aside to support him while he went to school and not to mention had his children which became a full time job for her at home where she was unable to further any type of career to make a name for herself, so as far as I could get out of it she was proud to take on the role of homemaker and supported her husband and his career, so as he screwed her over so badly and to go to extremes to make sure he screws her over, and I'm sure Linda had supported and most likely wanted him to give her zero support, we'll in all Fairness he should have been legally ordered to pay her even more then she asked for, Cmon 2 million a year, n she was sidelined supporting him to become who he became and raise his children, Wow she got so screwed and he flaunted it and ruined her life through friends and all due to his legal status and his influence which was very powerful in that Town, sad people will side with the one who has the money and power, sadly been the way things roll from the dawn of time, so nobody can say bad about his Betty unless you were in her shoes and sacrificed all that she did only to have the rug and everything else along with it pulled from under her feet, and for Linda it's obvious she had her eyes on the jackpot, since money has been around so have gold diggers. To add insult to injury, the cheater was unwilling to financially help the woman who had happily supported him. It means that she is NOT a FAKE! Then something changed, Most of Yosemite Valley is closed due to potentially perilous snowpack and flooding, 7 hospitalized after driver in stolen car runs red light in San Bernardino, police say, Barstow police investigating after officer caught on video hitting man with a baton, Man found guilty of murdering teens who ding-dong-ditched his house, Sacramento, San Francisco mayors take shots at each others city before NBA playoff game, Unseasonable rain, cooler temperatures in forecast for Los Angeles this week. Daniel Jr. was a bit more proactive. They can spot a wingnut a mile away! Had the roles been reversed and Dan murdered Betty and her new young husband, people would be crucifying Dan and pitying Betty and her new young beau and likely applauding him for rescuing Betty and giving her the happiness she deserved, not dare calling him a homewrecker or sl*t. Or had it been a minority woman, people would have damned her to hell and called her a violent animal. The divorce hearing took place, Earley said, later that year and in 1989. He should have used those courts to force his minor daughter into treatment. That was pure punishment.Betty should have gotten herself psychiatric help. Saying that Dan and Linda deserved to die. Some bonus gift for an employee. More than once during Rhett's childhood, he was sent to live with family relatives or in boot camps for troubled kids. Read the testimony of this other 3 kids that supported him. Yes, he had so much integrity as an attorney, he stood by while the mother of his children, who was, as he claimed loudly and often, was so mentally unstable she could not be trusted to have custody of said children, to *represent herself* in their divorce proceedings. She lied repeatedly. I truly believe that Dan was a sociopath. Betty need help. My gosh.. Had the father left before he had an affair from obviously not being happy and had he offered a realistic amount of an allowance, the Mother may have been ok and the kids could have had a normal life. Pathetic! I totally agree,speaking from a married womans point of view i can simpathize with betty but fact remains 2 people lost there life if Dan wanted to move on that was his right she had NO RIGHT UNDER ANY CIRCUNSTANCES to end somebody life because you hurt. Lee Broderick has spoken publicly about her mothers case and has been interviewed by various media outlets. Visit our corporate site. Remember Betty, you get more flies with honey, and more blessings with prayer.Then, you would have been free forever and your children may have been made to feel secure in life.Side note, Yes, I do understand how she may have felt..But do agree with her taking any ones life. Also on file in Family Court is a petition that names Larry Broderick of Englewood, Colo., guardian of the victims two sons, Daniel T. IV, 13, and Rhett, 10. That snotnosed tramp got what she deserved! No one deserves to be murdered in their own home while they are sleeping, no matter what. That lawyer became a "very close friend of the ex-wife" . If the movie portrays Betty in the right way then I dont blame Dan for leaving her. The divorce hearing took place, Earley said, later that year and in 1989. "Lee would always say, 'Your spankings don't hurt me,' you know, she was bratty," Kim said. Betty also alleged that it was unfair Dan got to spend five years with another woman while she still felt like his wife who didn't get closure but Betty wasn't alone. Despite this, Kim who got married and had a child of her own regularly visited her mother in prison. I hope they are both burning in Hell!The Pervert and the slut! You may occasionally receive promotional content from the Los Angeles Times. The original will, written after Daniel Broderick had filed for divorce from Elisabeth, was witnessed by Linda Kolkena. And thus began the torrid love affair that left Betty with a prison sentence of 32 years to life. No wonder the first jury said they didn't know what took her so long. "It was just the wire and she kept hitting her. Of all the Broderick kids, Lee was the most supportive of her mother throughout the ordeal. Now Allegra Curtis is talking for the first time about the anguish she and the rest of her family are suffering. Does this perhaps make you a danger to society?? Some reports also have it that Lee had gotten involved in drugs and had challenges with her academics while she was in school and thus had fallen out of favor with her father. Christine Mills and all the other nuts that made comments that Dan & Linda deserved it You people are CRAZY!! The exact reasons behind the decision are unknown. "Better shes broke in the streets than has money on drugs?"YES! And what a hypocrit Dan was!! I read the book before ever seeing the movies & documentaries on this case. !I am with the person who said it best, ":WHAT TOOK HER SO LONG? Other times, she reportedly threw food. . It is NOW, I start to lose sympathy in your plight. You took TWO lives, amd yet, you were thrown a life line. It was a Friday, and the non-stop legal battles and Dan's threats were like non-stop torture. Would you have maintained your "sweet" reputation if half the judges, attorneys, court clerks, bailiffs, etc., knew? Her actions were immature, irresponsible and reprehensible. She claimed Dan Broderick was an alcoholic, but the Los Angeles Times reported that his autopsy didn't show the type of liver damage that's commonly linked to alcohol abuse. By Erin Clements. Atty. Is Brittney Griner Trans, A Man or Woman? In 1998, Betty Broderick told the San Diego Reader that she was most similar to her youngest daughter, Lee Broderick. Lees mom infamously murdered her dad and his second wife, Linda Kolkena, and was sent to jail for murder in 1991. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, Do I wish there was a provision for me, yes I do, but addicts are good at lying..I think he's wrong for taking her out of the will but could have had a stated provision for her to be clean a year. Everyone that worked for dan said Linda stunk because of a feminine odor problem, they used to call her linda vagina. Lee is one of the Broderick children who approached the heartbreaking matter with a more empathetic mentality. Why not Betty? I don't condone what Dan did, or Linda. Though Dan didn't expect that Betty would actually follow through with her threats, his ex-wife reached a breaking point after receiving more legal papers in November 1989. After she did everything to get him there then he leaves her and has an affair. She has been able to overcome the challenges she faced growing up and has pursued a career that she is passionate about. She should have gotten the house and half the business. He wanted Betty to go through sheer hell and he made sure she did. Betty felt isolated there as well and once more decided she wanted a divorce. OnOprah, he said, "She's a nice lady. New York, She also remained in the San Diego area where she worked in a restaurant as a hostess. Betty needed to go to jail, OF COURSE she did, but I tell ya, sometimes you can kind of understand why someone might commit an act such as this A lot of people seem to miss the point. wow, sickening. Earley has also been critical of Deputy Dist. 251): OL Spencer Anderson, Maryland. Betty Brodericks case has been the subject of numerous books, documentaries, and television programs over the years, and its possible that Lee Broderick received payment for her involvement in other productions. "I went from being accomplished, well connected and free to being isolated from family and friends and trapped with two children for whom I was 100% responsible," Betty wrote in a written account of her marriage that was obtained by the Los Angeles Times. At the time of this writing, it's been more than 30 years since Betty Broderick was convicted and it doesn't look like she'll be leaving prison any time soon. answer the question why did broderick disinherited daughter, which will help you get the most accurate answer. He removed his child from his will because she used pot? First of all, he had so much money and could have hired a driver. Betty reportedly told Lee on the call, "The bitch is dead.". She brought in he income to support him through two degrees. According to CBS News, he told the court that his mother continued to defend her actions and that it would be a mistake to release her. When Dan came home, she ordered him to leave, but he refused. He always depended on Dan for support. It's amazing how many comments about the homewrecker and the bad person. But I've bitten my nails my whole life," she told the Los Angeles Times, adding, "According to the movie, I am exactly what Dan Broderick told everybody I was an unstable, crazy b***h that went around doing crazy things. I guess we'll never know the truth about this story , but if that Dan dude really put her through all of this shit , which I do not condone , he did deserve Karma to strike him but still she shouldn't have killed him She could have been way smarter by trying to get over his crap and taking care of her children thus she'd have gained their love and respect and regained control of her lifeHowever , I think that she might be mentally messed up too because she abused her kids which is just so totally fucked up. You DO NOT get to kill anyone, ever. Kim was reportedly kicked out when she was 18 years old, though Dan changed his mind and funded her college education. Free Betty!!!! Since no one paid attention to any of these rules especially the gold digger ! " She likes lounging about with a good book and thinks a closet without platform sneakers is a travesty. Danny, for whom permanent custody will be decided at a hearing March 9, lives with his sister Kim Broderick and attends La Jolla High School, where friends say hes an honors student. They deserved to be shot for what they did to Betty. Now people get "prescriptions" and they are not treated like she was.. as the BAD person. betty will go to heaven and her time there will be so wonderful that it will essentially make up for the hell this country put her through. A little compassion needs to be shown. Both sides! In 1989, Betty Broderick shot and killed Dan and Linda in their bedroom. (Need an abortion you know who to go too for help a slut like linda) Dan is lucky he was not my father because betty went to easy on them, they deserve worse.My father never even spoke a bad word about my mother thats called coming from a decent family. Many people also believe that Lee was disinherited by her father, Dan Broderick, because of the drug issues and school troubles she was having. Table of Contents show. Yes DB had an affair and lied about it, but people get divorced every day. According to the Los Angeles Times, it was there and then that he decided to remove Lee from the will altogether, including a phrase specifying that she should receive no part of his impressive estate.

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why was lee broderick disinherited

why was lee broderick disinherited