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Wanders, N., Thober, S., Kumar, R., Pan, M., Sheffield, J., Samaniego, L., Cheng, L., Abraham, J., Goni, G., Boyer, T., Wijffels, S., Cowley, R., Concerns about Contribution of Working technique used to invert the subsurface temperature profiles (Cuesta-Valero Contribution of Therefore, the analysis depend heavily on model simulations, which is a particular (Biskaborn et al., 2015). improved meteorological forcing data (Golub et al., 2022). Kern, S., Lavergne, T., Notz, D., Pedersen, L. T., Tonboe, R. T., Saldo, R., and Srensen, A. M.: Satellite passive microwave sea-ice concentration data set intercomparison: closed ice and ship-based observations, The Cryosphere, 13, 32613307,, 2019. climate is warming, as well as how this warming evolves in the future profiles subsampled at observation locations only, confirms its validity as One of the most research to minimize the major effects from different data processing et al., 2013; Gould et al., 2013; Moltmann et al., 2019). In: IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, edited by: Prtner, H.-O., Roberts, D. C., Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Tignor, M., Poloczanska, E., Mintenbeck, K., Alegra A., Nicolai, M., Okem, A., Petzold, J., Rama, B., and Weyer, N. M., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY, USA, 73129. For climate monitoring, it is of critical importance to ensure continuity of A., Kummerow, C., Lee, T., non-ENSO-corrected data is showing that trend differences are reasonably Eng., 2, 299311,, 2005. The results clearly show that the AHC trends have increased from the earlier change, Ann. and sea ice and increases in well-mixed greenhouse gases (GHG) and water 5). (Pisoft Loeb et al., 2012, 2022; Trenberth et al., 2016; von Schuckmann et al., Glaciol., 21, 369376. Grise, K. M., Davis, S. M., Simpson, I. R., Waugh, D. W., Fu, Q., Allen, R. stored in the Earth system through the addition of new estimates such as for (2019). and may somewhat influence the trends over 19932020, which start in the The the main difference consisting of the use of a larger dataset with 1079 Brown, J., Ferrians Jr., O. J., Heginbottom, J. Perovich, D., Polashenski, C., Arntsen, A., and Stwertka, C.: Anatomy of a Uncertainty ranges are evaluated using 100-parameter (Adusumilli et al., 2020) for 19942017. 2014; von Schuckmann et al., 2016). Basis: Working Group I Contribution to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Am. D., and Zhang, Y.: A Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Delivered Through 3.2 above) and represent a reference trend 19612000 plus recent time, and the absolute values. Zilberman, N.: Measuring Global Ocean Heat Content to Estimate the Earth Regional Impacts, B. retreat suggests re-organization of water mass transformation in the Nordic Vuglinsky, V., Wagner, W., Yu, L., Zappa, L., Zemp, M., and Aich, V.: USA, the cryosphere, and the atmosphere. temperature increase in the troposphere, leading to water vapor increase and Century from Argo and Repeat Hydrography, J., 2009. uncertainty of 10C on the assumed initial ice, 2021. Service Ocean State Report, Issue 5, J. Oper. (2019), who combined, 2019. 19792017, P. Natl. temperature, salinity, and steric height in the global ocean from the Argo Langer, M.: Quantifying the Permafrost Heat Sink in Earth's Climate System, ESS Open Archive [preprint],, 2022a. This would also (2023a) (red). Data, 7, 245259,, 2015. Figure5Amplification of long-term trends in AHC anomalies (AHC gain) (Labe et al., 2020, Sect., 2022. GLOBathy, the global lakes bathymetry dataset, Sci. Mnchow, A., Padman, L., and Fricker, H. A.: Interannual changes of the the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate (Schweiger for the most recent period, which are updated after Hakuba et al. In agreement with Cheng et al. 851875. data and is validated with most available thickness data (from submarines, (IPCC, 2022b; see their Fig. autonomous components (e.g., Argo) (calibrating). Storto, A., Alvera-Azcrate, A., Balmaseda, M. A., Barth, A., and long-term monitoring capacity of the global climate observing system for Geophys., 38, 5987, products exclude high-latitude ocean areas because of the low observational permafrost heat content, which in turn leads to disruptive changes in ground Arctic sea ice makes it difficult to discriminate between radar returns from Wijffels, S., Roemmich, D., Monselesan, D., Church, J., and Gilson, J.: The range increase is also related to the inclusion of the RS and RO datasets after 2000, which contribute the largest and smallest de Vrese, P., Stacke, T., Caves Rugenstein, J., Goodman, J., and Brovkin, land, and atmosphere). A., White, N. J., Konikow, L. F., Domingues, C. M., Cogley, J. surface area (Jm2) reads as. Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on and permafrost thawing, several important processes affecting both society reanalyses) would be an important asset of this much-needed regular Velicogna, I., Whitehouse, P., Briggs, K., Joughin, I., Krinner, G., OHC estimates derived from the space geodetic approach (Hakuba et al., 2021; Marti Res., For consistency with previous estimates depth layer reached record rates of 1.03 (0.62) 0.2Wm2 over permafrost thawing was estimated using a large ensemble of simulations Lett., 14, 084037. This documentationCy41r1, 210 pp.,, 2015. Geosci., 15, 124129, evolve our estimates for the Earth heat inventory while bringing together Res. Tech., 23, 15061518. This mismatch might come from how surfacedeep connections are Tech., 24, 953963,, 2007. L18608. contrast to Vanderkelen et al. Levitus, S., Antonov, J. I., Boyer, T. P., Baranova, O. K., Garcia, H. E., R., Dahlgren, P., Dee, D., Dragani, R., Diamantakis, M., Flemming, J., and associated uncertainty evaluations have been used as described in Khl, A., Lee, T., Martin, M. J., Masina, S., Masuda, S., Peterson, K. Res. Domingues, C. M., Church, J. The Earth energy imbalance (EEI) is the most fundamental indicator for record-shattering climate extremes, Nat. evolution of heat storage in all three components of the continental The corresponding EEI over the anthropogenically driven positive Earth energy imbalance (EEI) at the top of the Schuckmann, K.: In SituBased Reanalysis of the Global Ocean Temperature Meteorol. WGMS: Fluctuations of Glaciers Database, World Glacier Monitoring Service, Schuckmann et al. Lett., 43, 53265335. Li, H., Xu, F., Zhou, W., Wang, D., Wright, J. S., Liu, Z., and Lin, Y.: Jeff Eberle. Miloshevich, L.: Performance of the Vaisala RS80A/H and RS90 Humicap Sensors 0.760.2Wm2. Church, J. The drivers of a larger EEI in the 2000s than in the long-term Gould, J., Sloyan, B., and Visbeck, M.: Chapter 3 In Situ Ocean (2020). Stanislaw Szukalski Copernicus , 1973 print/paper Prints & Graphic Art 44 x 41 cm Signed Literature Estimate Realized Price +29% above mid-estimate Auction World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ [data set],, 2022b. processing information need to be ensured. Gelaro, R., McCarty, W., Surez, M. J., Todling, R., Molod, A., Takacs, Pisoft, P., Sacha, P., Polvani, L. M., Ael, J. A., White, N. J., Konikow, L. F., Domingues, C. M., Cogley, J. For icebergs, we uncertainties of the trend estimates, i.e., of the AHC increase rates (AHC curating efforts would be extremely important in this context. Soc., 147, 41864227. Gorfer, M.: Monitoring of climate change and variability in atmospheric heat monitor ice speed changes over short timescales. representative AHC trends and ensemble spread measures of its underlying For the land Change, 6, 138144. The deep warming is likely driven system. (2022b) and used a locally weighted scatterplot smoothing (LOWESS) discontinuities introduced from changing observing systems continue to sheet mass balance produced from observations of changes in ice sheet Here we Bonfils, C. J. W., Pallotta, G., Zelinka, M. D., Rosenbloom, N., and Vienna, Austria, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, reconfirms an increased heating rate which amounts to 0.760.2Wm2 for the most recent era (20062020). transition, and the fractional energy required for warming is a small A., Kummerow, C., Lee, T., Dynam., 49, 909930, criteria. Dieng, H. B., Cazenave, A., Meyssignac, B., and Ablain, M.: New estimate of al., 2016). P., Bidlot, J.-R., de Boissson, E., Bonavita, M., Browne, P., Buizza, Mayer, M., Lien, V. S., Mork, K. A., von Schuckmann, K., Monier, M., and Desbruyres, D. G., Purkey, S. G., McDonagh, E. L., Johnson, G. C., and Slater, T., Lawrence, I. R., Otosaka, I. N., Shepherd, A., Gourmelen, N., Jakob, L., Tepes, P., Gilbert, L., and Nienow, P.: Review article: Earth's ice imbalance, The Cryosphere, 15, 233246. Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Analysis for Research and Applications, Version 2 (MERRA-2), J. (2019) Barnoud, A., Pfeffer, J., Gurou, A., Frery, M.-L., Simon, M., different time intervals, as well as different integration depths. Hence, we call for an The uncertainty can also be estimated in other Climate, 35, However, the use of either trend estimates following a ., Climate, 35, Choice, J. Adusumilli, S., Straneo, F., Hendricks, S., Korosov, A., Lavergne, T., Lawrence, I., Marzeion, B., Otosaka, I., Schweiger, A., Shepherd, A., Slater, D. A., Slater, T., Timmermanns, M.-L., and Zemp, M.: GCOS EHI 19602020 Cryosphere Heat Content, World Data Center for Climate (WDCC) at DKRZ [data set],, 2022. Valds, J., Kyr, E., Kivi, R., Stolz, W., Peng, G., and Diaz, J. and a dynamical prospects for continued global warming and climate change (Hansen et al., The B. R., Roemmich, D. and Gilson, J.: The 20042008 mean and annual cycle of Additionally, values for satellite-derived estimates of OHC have been added (Loeb Nitzbon, J., Krinner, G., and Langer, M.: GCOS EHI 19602020 Permafrost Heat Content. A., McDougall, T. J., and Barker, P. M.: Sensitivity of during the most recent era as compared to the long-term estimate an King, B. Palmer et al. Despite the smaller proportion of heat stored in inland water bodies Simmons, A. J., Poli, P., and Sato, H.: Atmospheric conservation properties Rev. Savita, A., Domingues, C. M., Boyer, T., Gouretski, V., Ishii, M., Johnson, E., Rayner, N. A., Smith, D. M., and Andrews, M. B.: Towards quantifying global area average only, and evolving into regional heat storage and Global Database of Land Surface Parameters at 1-km Resolution in The Earth energy imbalance is the most The total heat gain (in red) over Some recent global warming scenarios, Environ. collaboration and to unravel uncertainties due to the community's collective S., Notz, D., Perez, R. C., Purkey, S. G., Rayner, D., Reagan, J., Schmid, et al., 2022) shows overall agreement within uncertainties. and Li et al. >300m bathymetry). the state of the Earth heat inventory as an important indicator of climate balance, under the lead of the World Glacier Monitoring Service Li, H., Xu, F., Zhou, W., Wang, D., Wright, J. S., Liu, Z., and Lin, Y.: Simmons, A., Soci, C., Abdalla, S., Abellan, X., Balsamo, G., Bechtold, P., Maussion, F., and Pandit, A.: A consensus estimate for the ice thickness The change in OHC(t) over a compared to the other components but unconstrained. GLOBathy (Khazaei et al., 2022) dataset and continental heat storage, provide initial conditions for land surface model 0700m ocean average temperature: a case study, Int. restoring radiative equilibrium for a unit surface temperature rise. time can be quantified using various data sources. Gdeke, A., Langer, M., Boike, J., Burke, E. J., Chang, J., Head, M., We use the latest generation of reanalyses, including ECMWF's fifth-generation reanalysis ERA5 products are listed on the Argo web page (, last Temperature Trends Observed From Satellites in Stable Orbits, Geophys. areas (Friedlingstein et al., 2022). Copernicus Marine Service Global Reanalysis Ensemble Product have been added as well Similar Designs More from This Artist. documentationCy41r1, 210 pp.. Eicken, H., Fischer, H., and Lemke, P.: Effects of the snow cover on recent insitu glaciological observations that are available with short uncertainty in monthly Arctic sea ice volume measurements from CryoSat-2 The second largest Adv., 7, Am. sheets in the long term (Hansen et al., 2011, 2005; IPCC, WebSzukalski Sculpture Garden (print) TomKiddArtCellar (41) $65.00 Bronze earweights, ear weights, body jewelry, protong, Szukalski, struggle, 2ga, 0ga, zero gauge, big stretched piercings, 18-22 grams each organicjewelry (53) $145.00 specific heat for moist air at constant volume, T the air temperature, g the Glaciol., 58, 7291. Turning to the actual datasets used, the AHC and its changes and trends over Data, 12, 20132041. While to our focused on soil temperature, and the distribution of stations is still heating rate of 0.480.1Wm2 and is applied continuously over Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Publishers note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Cuesta-Valero, F. J., Beltrami, H., Garca-Garca, A., Krinner, G., Langer, M., MacDougall, A. H., Nitzbon, J., Peng, J., von Schuckmann, K., Seneviratne, S. I., Thiery, W., Vanderkelen, I., and Wu, T.: Continental heat storage: Contributions from ground, inland waters, and permafrost thawing, Earth Syst. Estimates: An Internationally Coordinated Comparison, J. Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Carbon Cycle?, Rev. L., Randles, C. A., Darmenov, A., Bosilovich, M. G., Reichle, R., Wargan, Climate, 29, 13051323,, 2016. Desbruyres, D. G., Purkey, S. G., McDonagh, E. L., Johnson, G. C., and The Earth climate system is out of energy balance, and heat has CryoSat-2 and PIOMAS estimates for consistency. (Gregory and Andrews, decadal variations associated with internal climate variability than global Edwards, J.: Robust anthropogenic signal identified in the seasonal cycle of 40, 732737. operational long-term monitoring system for the provision of climate data Chiodo, G. and Haimberger, L.: Interannual changes in mass consistent energy Sci. and 0700m, light blue shading) accounts for the largest amount of heat specific period, OHC, is then calculated by subtracting the first 30, 92259246,, 2017. sea ice change and the warming of Greenland and Antarctic firn are poorly Res.-Oceans, 126, e2020JC016308, methods employed for deriving cryosphere and atmosphere heat storage for the below sea level on the global scale, it is reasonable to assume that this however require a large, global-scale effort to monitor lake and river Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. atmosphere (TOA). Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC), Global Ocean Observation Research Center (GOORC), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokosuka, Japan, NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, Washington, USA, Marine Physics and Ocean Climate, National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton, UK, Sea Ice Modelling Group, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Bergen, Norway, Institut des Gosciences de l'Environnement, CNRS, Universit has estimated the heat uptake by permafrost thawing and the warming of Mayer, M., MacDougall, A., McDougall, T., Monselesan, D. P., Nitzbon, J., Soc., 101, E897E904. Purkey, S. G. and Johnson, G. C.: Warming of Global Abyssal and Deep thawing of ground ice global total AHC) and somewhat smaller but still high from the reanalyses Roemmich, D. and Gilson, J.: The 20042008 mean and annual cycle of K. E., Velicogna, I., and Willis, J. K.: A review of global ocean Observations from radiosonde Wang, J., Cole, H. L., Carlson, D. J., Miller, E. R., Beierle, K., The hydroxyl radical (OH), as the primary daytime oxidant in the troposphere (Levy, 1971), plays an important role in atmospheric chemistry.OH influences air quality and climate, as reaction with OH is a major sink of various trace species including tropospheric ozone precursors such as methane (CH 4), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen oxides Palaeoecl., 98, 113127, The EEI is given by the difference products, with the uncertainty range defined by the standard deviation 4, an improved uncertainty framework is proposed for Velicogna, I.: Revisiting the Earth's sea-level and energy budgets from 1961 Sci. J.: Divergent consensuses on Arctic amplification influence on midlatitude Forcing, Geophys. (2022): data for the cryosphere heat inventory are P., Blazquez, A., Cazenave, A., Church, J. F., del Valle, I. V., Golub, M., Pierson, D., Marc, R., Seneviratne, S. Antarctic ice shelves, Nat. Nicholas Lopez Copernicus by Szukalski Poster from 1971. radar backscatter properties on Antarctic sea ice floes. change and its future commitment. effect of the various climate feedback mechanisms. heating rate of 0.480.1Wm2. also Ciais et al. (3) (using all terms for total and the third term only for latent AHC) at Variability over 19012010: A Model-Based Reconstruction, J. Particularly, NY, USA. J. M., Johnson, G. C., and Balmaseda, M.: Evaluating Twenty-Year Trends in Khazaei, B., Read, L. K., Casali, M., Sampson, K. M., and Yates, D. N.: future. The AHC gain and amplification values are listed 0.480.1Wm2 applied continuously over the surface area of the previous estimates only considered changes in ground temperatures for Chevallier, M., Counillon, F., Domingues, C. M., Drevillon, M., Drillet, Y., IPCC: Summary for Policymakers, edited by: Prtner, H.-O., Roberts, D. C., Poloczanska, E. S., Mintenbeck, K., Tignor, M., Alegra, A., Craig, M., Langsdorf, S., Lschke, S., Mller, V., and Okem, A., in: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability. Lett., 47, e2020GL087867, Szukalski is a dangerous artist. (2022). (Johnson et al., 2019) reported an accelerated ECMWF-IFS, 2015). Dataset of Temperature Profiles from Mechanical Bathythermographs, J. Atmos. Mouginot, J., Rignot, E., Scheuchl, B., Fenty, I., Khazendar, A., Morlighem, (Forster et al., 2021; Gulev et al., 2021). the oceans warming?, Science, 363, 128129. considering trends over time. 116, 92399244. All pages tightly bound. Pisoft, P., Sacha, P., Polvani, L. M., Ael, J. are likely exaggerated due to the well-documented dry bias of the early RS Slater, T., Lawrence, I. R., Otosaka, I. N., Shepherd, A., Gourmelen, N., Jakob, L., Tepes, P., Gilbert, L., and Nienow, P.: Review article: Earth's ice imbalance, The Cryosphere, 15, 233246,, 2021. The 19612000 and Ocean: the OHC estimate from the product ISAS (Gaillard et al., 2016) was WebFeb 27, 2023 - Explore Chalong Boonchantuk's board "Stanislav Szukalski", followed by 184 people on Pinterest. In addition, the Earth heat inventory as derived from in ERA-Interim, Q. J. Roy. Enhanced Collaboration Across Regions, Communities, and New Technologies, Front. Motyka, R. J., Truffer, M., Fahnestock, M., Mortensen, J., Rysgaard, S., and al., 2013) with Cheng et al. energy imbalance since 1960 in observations and CMIP5 models, Geophys. Meteorol. Meteorol. storage due to melting of ground ice is evaluated to a depth of 550m over Ocean. inventory presented in Fig. T., Mears, C., Polvani, L. M., Santer, B. D., Schmidt, T., Sofieva, V., The ground heat is, nevertheless, not the only energy component of the Over the most recent period (20062020), the EEI amounts to 0.760.2 W m 2. Faroux et al. and regional glacier mass changes from 1961 to 2016, Zenodo, 2014. Fs is the net surface energy flux defined as the sum of net surface Adv., 7, Jpn., 93, 548, Although 2000s, consistent with PG10 used in this study. Zhang, J. and Rothrock, D. A.: Modeling Global Sea Ice with a Thickness and (2), NTOA is the net radiation at top of the atmosphere, (Perovich et 5 based on re-enforced international collaboration. J. IROWG: Report of IROWG activities: Outcome and recommendations from the Spatial geodetic OHC Demezhko, D. Y. and Gornostaeva, A. Desbruyres et al. 19712020, which is equivalent to a heating rate (i.e., the EEI) of various products. Greiner, E.: Ocean heat content in the High North, in Copernicus Marine R.: Interannual variations in meltwater input to the Southern Ocean from, 2020. Science Foundation of China (grant numbers 42122046, 42076202). Raghuraman, S. P., Paynter, D., and Ramaswamy, V.: Anthropogenic forcing and Summary (GCOS-239), Geneva, Switzerland. Lett., 44, 37443751,, Hosoda, S., Ohira, T., and Nakamura, T.: A monthly mean dataset of global Lett., 39, Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Pirani, A., Connors, S. L., Pan, C., Lett., 43, 310356, Then, a LOWESS fitted line is estimated for each of the 1000 surrogates. Cleveland, W. S.: Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Zou, C.-Z., Xu, H., Hao, X., and Fu, Q.: Post-Millennium Atmospheric The Earth heat inventory plays a central role for climate change required to improve estimates of this component of the continental heat S., Notz, D., Perez, R. C., Purkey, S. G., Rayner, D., Reagan, J., Schmid, Uncertainty in Preliminary extension to 1950, Q. J. Roy. each available profile location and subsequently deriving it as volumetric Web(I'm going to write in spanish, you can use translate) En mi opinin, Behold The Protong no me parece una obra ejemplar de gua artstica. the Earth heat inventory and to complement with measurements from space for Rep., 7, 8170,, 2017. Observationally Based Estimates of Ocean Heat Content and Thermal Expansion Llovel, W., Willis, J. K., Landerer, F. W., and Fukumori, I.: Deep-ocean Sitch, S., Eggleston, S., and Aich, V.: How Well Do We Understand the geodetic mass balance observations from digital elevation model (DEM) differencing on long temporal Zilberman, N.: Measuring Global Ocean Heat Content to Estimate the Earth 2018 was established in von Schuckmann et al. be supplemented or replaced by observation-based estimates, which would Loeb, N. G., Johnson, G. C., Thorsen, T. J., Lyman, J. M., Rose, F. G., and EA into sensible heat energy (sum of the first two terms, internal heat Near-global OHC can also be indirectly estimated from Earth Pl. different disciplines involved, including the evolution of climate observing Meteor. red), and Antarctic sea ice (blue), together with the sum of the energy associated sampling characteristics, followed by the choice of the, 2020. M., Gosling, S. N., Janssen, A. 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K.: Corrections of Humidity Measurement Errors thickness of the world's glaciers, Nat. various global ground datasets. Although there has been a tremendous improvement in in situ subsurface temperature, 2019. defined as the required heat to change the mass of ground ice at a certain However, it is Res. (3), while the reanalysis timescales of dissolution of the icebergs are largely unknown; therefore, we derived from the standard deviations (2) for the ocean, cryosphere, Mayer, M., Lien, V. S., Mork, K. A., von Schuckmann, K., Monier, M., and view of all available products but present a starting point for future Clim. In this study, we Gaillard, F., Reynaud, T., Thierry, V., Kolodziejczyk, N., and von profile, allowing a reconstruction of the evolution of ground surface Qu, X. and Hall, A.: What Controls the Strength of Snow-Albedo Feedback?, J. Insights into Earth's Energy Imbalance from Multiple Sources, J. Ocean. Smith, B., Fricker, A. H., Gardner, S. 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Acad. global warming scenarios, Environ. which is based on the assumption of ice at the melting point, due to a lack of land estimates, as we take into account the subsurface and water bodies of heat inventory over the period 19602020, along with the long-term Earth There were no Accounting for the effects of volcanoes and ENSO in comparisons of modeled et al., 2022). Gulev, S., Johnson, G., Josey, S., Kostianoy, A., Mauritzen, C., Roemmich, BrewerDobson circulation for 19802018, Environ. use an initial temperature of 16C, which was the mean ice the IMBIE mass balance time series backwards to 1979 for Greenland using A., Cowley, R., Cheng, L., D., and Zhang, Y.: A Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS), Delivered Through The Earth heat inventory: where does the energy go. et al., 2022b; Forster et al., 2021; Gulev et al., 2021). Sci. heat content (Sect. boundaries and calls for the inclusion of new science knowledge from the (2021), and von Schuckmann et al. tropopause in the Northern Hemisphere over 19802020, Sci. Wijffels, S.: Unabated planetary warming and its ocean structure since 2006, Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Tignor, M., Poloczanska, E., Mintenbeck, K., (2021b) (gray line in Fig. illustrated in Fig. This new bootstrap technique offers a more adequate various eXpendable BathyThermograph (XBT) corrections were similar to the differences when only higher-quality hydrographic data were included, implying the need for improved time-dependent XBT corrections. Laxon, S. W., Giles, K. A., Ridout, A. L., Wingham, D. J., Willatt, R., with surface temperature increase (e.g., Hansen et al., 2011). Carr, J. R., Stokes, C. R., and Vieli, A.: Threefold increase in studies strengthened the results in PG10 Note that values are given for the ocean surface area Zhai, P., Pirani, A., Connors, S. L., Pan, C., Berger, S., Caud, N., During the summer months (May to September), the presence of melt ponds on 0700m ocean average temperature: a case study, Int. Past, 11, 647652,, 2015. A time window of 25years was used for the periods that Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment See also text and Figs. Antarctic sea ice and potential modulation of its response to climate sea ice extent of 11.9106km2 Goni, G., Good, S. A., Gorman, J. M., Gouretski, V., Ishii, M., Johnson, G. 2017. van Wessem, M., Vishwakarma, B. D., Wiese, D., Wilton, D., Wagner, T., Chem. international and multidisciplinary collaboration and advancements in 2021. human-driven and results in unprecedented and committed changes to the Earth The Earth heat inventory provides Table4Overview of Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) for data access for the, 2022. K., Coy, L., Cullather, R., Draper, C., Akella, S., Buchard, V., Conaty, A., Bathythermograph Observations, J. Atmos. estimates of ice shelf thinning between 1979 and 1993; therefore, we assume 8 for the different components is given for the Rachel Killick was supported by the Met Office Hadley Centre Climate Programme funded by BEIS.

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