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My body scan was interesting. They have removed most of the mole on my eyebrow and sent it to be checked for cancer. While I was taking 150 mcg/day, I was feeling quite good but she said my tsh didn't need to be repressed that much, that I was borderline hyperthyroid, and cut me back to 125, and then 115 (at which point I felt rather garbagey, started struggling with depression, muscle pain and some fatigue). The initial clinical suspicion pointed to a haematoma, but a needle aspiration showed chyle. On Thursday night my mom made a very basic Thanksgiving dinner and I was able to eat all of it with no problems whatsoever. It is important for endocrinologists and thyroid surgeons to be aware of this uncommon complication to reduce the risk for this facial disfigurement during surgery. [4] I don't know why it seems that everyone naturally goes hypo, that seems like an awful process instead of getting two symptomless thyrogen shots. Once your thyroid is removed you are now . I'm still a horse. Hello, 2nd of August was my last visit with Dr E., he thinks am in a stable mental state and we both agree that more appointments right now probably wouldnt help any. A randomized controlled trial was conducted. This cancer also caused me to put radiation through my entire body possibly damaging me AND my family. I have experienced significant hairfall, slight acne and irreparable dry skin. The possible causes of Horners syndrome after thyroidectomy are surgical damage; postoperative hematoma compressing the cervical sympathetic chain; ischemia-induced neural damage caused during lateral ligature on the inferior thyroid artery trunk; lateral retractor stretching of the cervical sympathetic chain; damage to the communication between the cervical sympathetic chain and the recurrent laryngeal nerve during its identification; and the possible anatomic variation in which the recurrent laryngeal nerve gives off a communicating branch to the cervical sympathetic chain. Neck stretching exercises done immediately after a total thyroidectomy reduce short-term neck pain and disability symptoms. I still have poor vocal range and intensity. He has a burning sensation on his upper chest, shoulder,neck, behind his ear, with sharp pains. I had many thyroid nodules but the largest,cancerous one was 3.8 cm. By the time my room was ready I had eaten two cups of ice chips and was extremely thirsty. I also feel sad that my recovery has stagnated and I don't see any improvement in my voice or breathing. An MRI of my neck (ordered by orthopedic due to neck pain) showed not only several herniated bulging discs- but a mass on my right thyroid gland. In January I was beginning to have a hypersensitive gag reflex. Some of what I posted before was right after surgery via my smartphone. Things seem better and worse at the same time. Again - very minor things that don't inhibit me from doing what needs to get done. With that in mind, here are 5 things that I think you should know if you've had your thyroid removed based on THIS experience. I have been on Levothyroxine 125 to 150 for 2.5 weeks and am starting to feel better from Hypothyroid symptoms. Parathyroidectomy cures almost all cases of primary hyperparathyroidism and returns blood calcium levels to a healthy range. Get the latest news and education delivered to your inbox, Receive an email when new articles are posted on, Please provide your email address to receive an email when new articles are posted on. Also on the 4th I have a physical therapy appointment with one of the technicians and he did another wonderfully painfully session but the next 2 days there was basically no knee pain. I also never took any narcotic pain killers after surgery. But, you could tell pre-op was used to people popping in for a brief stay and then being whisked off to surgery. You may need a thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a growth on your . People with a history of keloids (excess scar tissue) may experience more scarring after thyroid surgery. My time in the ICU was unpleasant, but only because I wasn't able to get any sleep the night before my surgery and the night I was there. Epub 2021 Jun 1. But, I wasn't really all that coherent, so I asked if I could have some water (remember, nothing to eat or drink from midnight the night before so, I'm getting on 23 hours without food or drink) CRUSHED GLASS IN ACID MIXED WITH GRAVEL couldn't have felt that horrible. I didn't sleep even a minute. She was clinically and biochemically euthyroid without any compressive symptoms. So, that worked out OK. Do not scrub the wound or put pressure on it with high pressure water or your fingers. At last a surgeon came in and had me sign the forms. Before my thyroidectomy I experienced ear pain on and off, where it felt like a sharp, stabbing pain around my left ear. I had my TT exactly 2 weeks ago. I am not on the hormone replacement therapy pill yet and was told I will be given the radioactive iodine but I have no idea when!!?? Waiting on that was probably the worst part, as I felt like I had been released from a jail sentence (I've never been in jail but I assume it's like this) but not being unlocked from the cage. Sent us home & said if it happens again that we need to see the ent in cleveland. Initial risk classification was determined as T3N1bM0, American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) 8th edition stage 1, and intermediate American Thyroid Association risk. So I went on my low iodine diet (lid) for 2 weeks - I screwed up and had been using coconut milk with carageenan in it so I had to do lid for two more weeks! I got a copy of RAI film and right starburst is bigger than left . maybe this is why. Typically thyroidectomies take about 3hours and you come out with a cute little 3in scar. You can expect to have some pain after surgery. Suffice to say, I was very disoriented for about the next 10 minutes. They placed an IV line and took some blood samples. My experience with thyroid cancer- so far: But, I do with exacting detail remember my first sip of water. A nurse came in shortly after that and I started an IV with a saline drip. If skin is not sufficiently retracted after 6 months, anterior neck lift or lower face/neck lift should be a consideration. Finally, I told the nurse I was overheating and she suggested taking off the leg squeezing devices. My wife took my kids up to her parents in Wisconsin and my mom stayed with me in Chicago. It's not completely numb but the inside feels like muscle / skin is falling asleep or 'thick' (not sure if i describe them properly). On the 6th I had my hearing test from my 2nd ear surgery, it came back that my left ear is defiantly almost perfectly recovered (to what bone conduction reads) and said I will not have to worry about hearing aids for a few years at least. It's hard to raise my head and I couldn't look up at the ceiling. I feel very lucky. Abstract Introduction: Thyroid surgery is a popular and effective treatment for many thyroid diseases, including thyroid cancer. The ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration. The problems I have had with the radiation therapy metallic salty taste in mouth and constant dry mouth. Kappeler mentioned Horners syndrome as a complication of thyroid surgery in 1865, and Kaelin reported a case of the syndrome following thyroidectomy in 1915. I am usually not one to write on here because It is my husband who had thyroid cancer in 2013 & most recently a neck dissection on his right side they removed 31 lymph nodes & thankfully only 1 was cancer. Although, I highly recommend going somewhere where you can be alone (not a hotel). I didn't overly strain, but I did have one day where the pain meds must have overwhelmed the stool softener and I pushed a little harder than I think I should have. The next thing I remember was sliding back to the cart to be wheeled to the recovery room. That seems crazy low, is there any benefit at < 0.1 vs < 1.0? My wife was with me. She also told me that if I need another surgery to fix the problem that there is a 10% chance I will lose all hearing in that ear, and being that it is my better ear I seriously hope I dont need to get surgery. I called the Mayo Clinic (all three branches MN, AZ and FL), the University at Loma Linda California, UC San Diego, UCLA, UC Irvine, The University of Miami, Baptist Hospital Miami, Jackson Memorial Hospital Miami, The Texas Institute of Thyroid and Para Thyroid Surgery (Dr. Kuppersmith) and am sure a few more that escape me right now. But 100% the greatest advice I can give is to make sure you have the best doctor you can get. Once there I registered and was sent to the 11th floor where I was placed in a nice looking hospital room. These symptoms may persist for long . Ylinen J, Kautiainen H, Wirn K, Hkkinen A. J Rehabil Med. Before 3) Met with Surgeon and he said, the mass on right was big enough that it needs to come out weather cancer or not . so according to the ultrasound write up surrounding lyphnodes were normal but no film existed. Also put me on the We fit balance game and I completed it on the 3rd try. Which is what I had expected because that is what I was told. Bilateral recurrent nerve paralysis resulting in adduction of the vocal cords is a rare life-threatening complication (occurring in less than 0.1% of cases that requires The question is has anyone had these symptoms: burning pain, dizzy, swelling post op 3 weeks ? The pain is in the natural curve of my neck, about 2-3 inches above the incision. Just seems like order of operations has been a complete mess. I'm normally an extremely social individual that loves living life to the fullest and experiencing the best that it has to offer. All assured me that I would be in good hands and they would see me in a few hours. So he sent me for Thyroid level tests and a Thyroid ultrasound. Care and Management of Voice Change in Thyroid Surgery: Korean Society of Laryngology, Phoniatrics and Logopedics Clinical Practice Guideline. They'd said I might not remember being wheeled into surgery, but I remember the trip into the OR and looking around the OR. On Friday the 8th of October I will have the stitches removed from my eyebrow everything looking good. I contacted the surgeon-he blamed the post op Percocet. and 6mm papillary carcinoma w/ adjacent 2-3mm papillary carcinoma another section 6mm papillary carcinoma and right parathyroid lymph node with thyroid carcinoma 8mm. I had a Total Thyroidectomy around 9 weeks ago for FVPTC, then they ran me hypothyroid for 6 weeks and pushed TSH over 100, then did my RAI 3 weeks ago. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal The only problem I had with the surgery was hiccups that lasted about 10 days, I was told this was due to the tube they put down your throat during anesthesia. Twenty-eight patients who had undergone thyroidectomy and 28 healthy . Do they usually do a full neck ultrasound before TT? A new nurse was on duty at that point and she pointed out that thicker things were easier to swallow than thinner things. The bottom line is that as soon I said I'd had a positive FNA and that the nodule was greater than 1cm I was told no. A few days later she called again and said that my Vitamin D is also very low and I would have to have another appointment with my PCM to get high dose Vitamin D pills. Is the lack of hormone 6 days post op the reason for feeling like HELL??? Both doctors answered every question openly and forthright. I had compression stockings on that kept me up, noise like crazy in the ICU, nurses and doctors coming in, 2 IV (one in each arm), and a blood pressure monitor going off every hour. After surgery, you may have a scar at the base of your neck. Your thyroid gland makes hormones that control your metabolism, body temperature, and heart rate. He said he would test the tissue during surgery for cancer. So, seriously, take the stool softener. Four weeks after her surgery, the patient presented to our clinic. The participants were randomly assigned either to the stretching exercise group (n = 40) or to the control group (n = 40). I also felt myself getting hungry which was a good sign. I started exercising 6-8 weeks after the surgery and realised I feel breathless much easily and if I exert too much, there's a slight pain on the upper left side of my neck. This hospital uses fentanyl and midazolam post-op. I'm not sure if this is related with the numb feeling I'm having. I don't know where it is. This was nice because I now had an idea of the surroundings I would be in when I woke up from surgery. Some people experience short-term side effects after thyroidectomy, including the following: Neck pain: You may experience pain on swallowing or breathing for several days following surgery. During RAI (I had some lympnodes 1 or 2 not 100% sure) take up Iodine, plus had some small growth in thyroid bed which may be non cancerous. I then had to kill another 5 or 6 uncomfortable hours though waiting for the ICU doctor to finally finish my paperwork so I could go home. My personal torturer is U. and he is defiantly good at his job of making me hurt for an hour + so I feel better later. Was in Hospital 5 days post op with JP drain and limited help, had numerous asthma attacks due to not being able to eat and acid reflux. From the time I knew I would be "going under the knife" I started experiencing panic attacks, thoughts of extreme terror, and general malaise. 1. I have papillary thyroid cancer with a follicular variant. Removing all or most of the thyroid (thyroidectomy). The effects of the stretching exercises on the participants' neck pain and disability, neck sensitivity, pain with neck movements as well as on wound healing, were evaluated at the end of the first week and at 1 month following surgery. The mass was softball size and the cancerous tumor was 4.8 cm follicular cancer with hurthle cell varient, since August 2012 I have had a partial thyroidectomy, TT 2 weeks later, RAI 157 mc October 17th, modified neck dissection Nov. 27th and now it's the waiting from blood test to body scans and getting the meds adjusted just right, a lot of side effects with Levothyroxin. As soon as you can turn your head without pain or difficulty (within about a week . Older posts I saw explain that because the facial nerve were cut and will take few weeks to months to heal. My surgeon wouldn't commit to either putting in or not putting in a JP drain prior to surgery, but he did say he doesn't use them as often as other surgeons. Answer: Skin laxity after thyroid surgery. He said he wanted to get my RAI done - he likes to do it within 3 months of surgery and thought it had been enough time since ct. Just to briefly give my details again. I have friends that "had a friend that went through this and they are just fine". That was pretty much the best thing I've ever eaten! Those are the same medications they give you for a colonoscopy. I just started going back to work this week. So, I feel like I'm ending on a negative note but this is my reality right now. It's been just over two weeks since my thyroidectomy. Learned its horizontal vertigo or thats what Co. (my torturerphysical theraphist) said. As my health slowly improves I am starting out my workout regimen again and slowly building my strength back. I am 27 years old and was diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma in December last year. I was told that frequently they run early. The combination with of nortriptyline 10 mg per day and . So, I might be called to come in early. I put them on the table so the doctor could see them and very soon after saying hello, I said, these are my questions. Through the night I got up to use the bathroom. So not going to lie, recovery from that absolutely sucked for about 10 days - lots of dizziness, tiredness, general throat and neck pain and uncomfortableness - and I didn't get my drains out for 2 weeks post surgery, which was another great addition to such an extensive surgery. Would really love some advice on how to proceed about improving my breathing. Besides a surgical scar in her neck, a physical exam was notable for left upper lid ptosis and anisocoria with the left pupil having a smaller diameter than the right (Figure 1, lower panel). disability; neck pain; neck stretching exercises; thyroidectomy. Mind you, they were all very polite, but they were all very firm that they don't do robotic assisted surgery via the arm pit if it is either cancer or if the nodule is greater than 1cm; so I was two for two in not getting robotic assisted surgery as mine was both cancer and greater than 1cm. Also I had a follow up with my mental health provider. I think my voice was the last thing to come back, but after 3 weeks that was fine as well. I was having subtle symptoms like a little hoarseness, choking when drinking and tiredness. My dr was booked until late February and I was freaking out so I went to the ER. Hi! How long it takes to recover will depend on your situation and the type of surgery you had. Hi, Figured I'd chime in with my own experience, since everytime I see posts it sounds like a thyroidectomy is the worst thing in the world and its better just to live with thyroid cancer. I am currently taking 275! The first few sips of water are described below, but then the pain quickly got better over the next week. Swallowing discomfort. Even one of the nurses asked if I'd had the midazolam yet and the anesthesiologist said, yes. So I was told at that time . Will do an RAI in 4 weeks. On October 4th I had my first appointment with Su., the nutritionist, and she told me that looking at what lab results were in the system that my calcium, magnesium and potassium are all low. Held at hospital 3 days post RAI, then stuck here since I have a 2.5 year old. Would you like email updates of new search results? She was treated with 100 mCi of radioiodine-131 and currently has an excellent response to therapy. After the physical therapy I will probably be attending my first cancer survivor group at Bremerton Naval. In the weeks after your thyroid surgery, you may have neck pain, soreness of your vocal chords or a weak . Furlan AD, Yazdi F, Tsertsvadze A, Gross A, Van Tulder M, Santaguida L, Cherkin D, Gagnier J, Ammendolia C, Ansari MT, Ostermann T, Dryden T, Doucette S, Skidmore B, Daniel R, Tsouros S, Weeks L, Galipeau J. Evid Rep Technol Assess (Full Rep). I was also very coherent and cognitively feeling much better. Our patient has a persistent Horners syndrome 4 years after her thyroidectomy. Have a wonderful holiday season and thank you again so much to this board for existing. 9 Mar 2011 1 year from having thyroid removed God, family, friends and prayer are what got me through these last 7 months with thyroid cancer. Keep a log of questions. My Dr (Endo) said he did not want me in his office for another 7 days and the hospital nurse said that was crazy and she used a Geiger counter on me to see how "hot" I was. Don't stay in a hotel if you can avoid it after RAI (it really is dangerous to others) and if you do, don't post it anywhere or you will be crucified (however if you search, there are really good posts about how to do it as safely as possible). The stretching exercise group learned the neck stretching exercises immediately after total thyroidectomy. They said they caught it early though and think they were both stage one cancers. They did look at the CT scan report and told me that all the radiation was in the neck and that was a good thing and the scan looked clean but I will have to wait for the official follow-up with my endocrinologist on the 18th of June for the Official results. The biopsy of the left thyroid nodule was rated as Bethesda category IV (follicular neoplasm), and the lymph node was consistent with metastatic papillary thyroid cancer. My voice sounded horrible for about 6 weeks and I have weakness on one side of my vocal chords. However in addition to no LID, no one ever discussed things like AG, AGant, what TSH is, etc . Most people start to feel recovered in 10 to 14 days. Your neck is likely to be swollen and may feel hard and numb right after the surgery. You might also have to take supplements after thyroidectomy to balance your calcium levels. At 18 days post surgery the throat pain flares up only if I over use my voice. The surgery went well but do to low calcium and magnesium levels (parathyroid(s) where not fully functioning) I was kept in the hospital for 2 days to ensure my parathyroids were maintaining proper levels. You will experience some discomfort at the incision site as well as a raw or sore throat from the breathing tube that . Over the course of 2 years or more I've been from Doctor to Doctor including my family doc, allergist, gastronologist and orthopedic specialist. I then asked if I could have something more substantial and the doctor came in and looked at my plate (which looked like an animal had been fed at the zoo) and said I could have whatever I wanted. I received a lot of encouraging feedback from many people on this site and would like to thank them all again. In general, thyroid surgery is well tolerated and the vast majority of patients will have a smooth recovery. I would characterize what I went through as "mild discomfort." Both surgeons recommended almost the exact same treatment plan. Jon. On the 18th of June I went back to Dr Ch., Endocrinology at Madigan for follow-up on my CT scans and to check the balance on my thyroid meds. All internal stitches and only steri-strip on the outside. Cheers. Objective: He also said that the CT scans looks real good and would tell me more in December time frame. When, my partner got there, I asked him to get me a towel (it's amazing how much more I'll ask for through someone else rather than on my own I don't know if I'm the only one that way) and to wipe my back off. I have never had the kind of fear that I experienced leading up to the weeks preceding my TT. So frustrated and all alone - 2nd guessing what Dr's have done and why. I hope this helps someone worried about what the surgery will be like. It has been beyond informative and makes a huge difference knowing there are people out there that understand. Complications are much less common and can include neck bleeding, permanent hypoparathyroidism that requires ongoing calcium replacement, and damage to . When comparing neck pain and disability scale (NPDS) scores, neck sensitivity and pain with neck movement before thyroidectomy, after 1 week and after 1-month time-points, it was found that patients experienced significantly less pain and disability in the stretching exercise group than the control group (p < .001). If you look it up on the Internet it is supposed to be hooked up to an external temperature air conditioning unit. Tender neck : After surgery, it is natural for a patient to minimize . The effects of the stretching exercises on the participants' neck pain and disability, neck sensitivity, pain with neck movements as well as on wound healing, were evaluated at the end of the first week and at 1 month following surgery. I told them I had good insurance and that I'd take care of the bill after surgery (which is the arrangement I had with every other service provider for my thyroid cancer). I was diagnosed about a year ago after my dentist noticed the side of my neck was a bit raised. Gen A, elik SU, Gen V, Gkmen D, Tur BS. Some people are put on T4 when they leave the hospital. It is estimated that 70% of patients with Horners syndrome after thyroidectomy will have permanent damage or incomplete recovery while the remaining 30% will completely recover between 5 to 15 months after surgery. Mine is Synthroid and it really is noticeably better. July 14th Thursday Bangor Dental appointment with x rays my teeth look healthy just needs some cleanings, they also checked to make sure the radiation therapy I had didnt cause any tooth damage, so far so good. Removing lymph nodes in the neck (lymph node dissection). The tonsillectomy was pure hell! Every now and then my salivary glands hurt a bit massaging them helps. After thyroidectomy, patients were called by phone in the 1st week and 1st month. July 26th Another mental health appointment, another good visit he is defiantly happy with how I am doing and we are figuring out that I probably dont need too many more appointments for now at least. Post-Operative Instructions for Parathyroid Surgery. 5) Does the TSH suppression level really effect the possibility of spread? She was confident that these findings appeared after her thyroid surgery. What is the standard for removing them? The surgical pathology reported a 5 cm papillary thyroid cancer in the left lobe of the thyroid with lymphovascular invasion, microscopic positive surgical margins, with five of 59 positive lymph nodes (two left level IIA nodes, one Delphian node and two level VI nodes). The best part about it was I was prepared for a great deal of pain and I would characterize my condition as "mild discomfort," never going over "2 or 3" on the "pain scale." Now, the scar. Although, some people swear they can't hear it, I can hear it all the time. Numbness or tingling of fingers, toes, or around the mouth. NSAIDs and duloxetine was not effective for these symptoms. So, I expected the experience to be a bit like an assembly line. The patient reported no radiation exposure to head or neck during childhood, but she had a positive family history of thyroid cancer in two paternal cousins, nontoxic multinodular goiter in her father and sister, hypothyroidism in her mother and hyperthyroidism in her maternal grandmother. My family members tried to reassure me that everything would be ok, but I just couldn't stop thinking thoughts of "what if I don't wake up," "what if I do wake up," "what if they find something incredibly bad inside." Do others work out as soon as possible? However, since my surgery, I've been hit with insomnia. Some of it was while I was still sore and using pain meds. I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer over the summer and received a total thyroidectomy and bilateral neck dissection two months ago. I blacked out again for a couple minutes and awoke in the recovery room asking the surgeon multiple times if he was going to do the surgery. Also, through the night I drank some more water using the chin to my chest trick to get the water down. Ask to be checked with a Geiger counter to determine when you are safe to be around your family. She explained, again, that the surgery before me had become unusually complicated and apologized for the wait. 2 Sep end of my convalescence leave, and back to work. After two weeks I just showered and shampooed normally. He also said he would slowly decrease our visits since I am not having the depression issues and I am in a stable mental condition. A few randomized trials, mostly using inadequately validated instruments, showed significantly reduced neck pain, neck stiffness, movement disability, and need for postoperative analgesics by applying neck and shoulder exercises after thyroidectomy [8, 21-23]. That was attributed the nodules and the cancer. The terror at night is gone, I'm feeling calm and back to myself. I had a softball size tumor and didn't even know it was there, it makes me angry that I didn't, after It was pointed out to me I could actually palm the mass as I swallowed. He took a look at me, said everything looked great and that he was writing a discharge order for me. It sucks a bit, but plenty of people have totally fine experiences with no long term complications. Thyroidectomy is the surgical removal of all or part of your thyroid gland. We present a case of a patient who returned with a neck swelling 6 days following thyroidectomy and central neck compartment lymphadenectomy for suspected thyroid carcinoma. From there I went my 2nd physical therapy appointment, I am getting more movement in my knee and overall the pain is less, He also suggested some things I could try to help my balance while I was waiting for vestibular training to be fully approved by Tricare and setup.

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stabbing pain in neck after thyroidectomy

stabbing pain in neck after thyroidectomy