Meditation Classes


Meditation Classes We at FaithHealers, provide meditation classes according to your own comfort level. You can choose from customized private classes or group meditation classes. Learning to meditate gives you a lifelong tool for happiness, success and health. We also conduct online meditation classes, which are live and interactive. Once you have made meditation a way […]

Benefits of Meditation


Benefits of Meditation There are multi-fold benefits of meditation. Its regular practice will rewire your mind, body, and soul. Meditation is the path you should take to meet your inner temple and your own-self. Eventually, you will understand the reason of your existence, you also, get the vision of what your aim should be. Why […]

What is Meditation


What is Meditation It will not be an exaggeration if it is said that Meditation is the word of the Century! Yet this term is most misunderstood. Going by the dictionary, the word comes from two Latin words: ‘meditari’ (to think, to dwell upon, to exercise the mind) and ‘mederi’ (to heal). Meditation Meditation is […]