Coping With Coronavirus Anxiety: Make Reiki Healing & Meditation Your Protection shield!
Till now you must have read some repetitive tips for coping with Coronavirus anxiety. Some of the tips to deal with corona stress, that we frequently get to read everywhere; Taking breaks from reading Corona pandemic news, filtering out fake news, eating healthy food, interacting with friends and family, doing indoor physical activities and watching entertainment programmes. Also many of us must have tried most of these tips, but the anxiety, the uncertainty stays and stays!
So, what is next? Do we just keep bearing the Coronavirus anxiety and stress and look for anti anxiety drugs to depend upon?
There is ample research that immune system gets compromised during prolonged anxiety and depression. While on the contrary, the need of the hour during this Covid-19 outbreak is to raise our immunity levels.
According to our Vedic culture, it is the Prana that flows through every living being and keeps us alive. It is the imbalances in this universal flow of this Prana or vital force that manifests itself in some form of disease or mental health issues. As quoted in Sanjay Solanki’s article, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad- Chapter III: It is the vital force (prana) which controls everything. It is the substratum of all beings. It exists in everything and everything exists in it. Basically, our physical body is surrounded by our ethereal body. It is the interplay of our physical body, ethereal body and our surroundings that decide our well being.
Quantum Physics will tell you about vibrations. Everything in this universe vibrates at atomic level. Nothing is static. According to quantumn physics every particle has a wave nature, and hence are packets of energy. So our bodies are also packets of energies. According to principles of quantum physics, the world is full of interacting energy fields. According to Vedic healing review paper, present day research has now demonstrated that our cells’ membranes contain special proteins called Integral Membrane Proteins (IMPs) which respond to energy signals from the external and internal environment. These are important findings because they acknowledge that biological behavior can be controlled by “invisible” energy forces, external as well as internal.
Therefore the way forward is to work on our energies at cellular and raise our vibrations. We should make the flow of this vital force smooth and weed out all kinds of physical and mental health issues. The power lies within us and we can tap the power or life force energies by Reiki meditation.
As a Reiki practitioner I feel that we all are raising the vibrational energies of the Coronavirus instead of life force energies amongst us. With all the medical interventions and safeguards let us also adapt vibrational intervention through affirmations, chants and meditation.We should all devote sometime of the day to some activity that raises are positive energies. Reiki meditation is one such kind of method.
- Reiki healing is an energy healing modality, through which we can channelise Prana through us and hence self heal. Reiki healing balances Chakras and removes all the negative blockages from our energy system. Once Solar and Heart Chakra get balanced and healed, anxiety issues will become a thing of past.
- Creating a “Protection Shield ” for yourself and family is actually possible after learning Reiki Level 2 Course.
- Apart from Reiki meditation, Sound healing with powerful Aum chants does wonders to our vibrational energies. Sound vibrations are most effective in breaking the blanket of negative vibrations.
- Meditation or what we call Mindfulness theses days, we can raise our awareness level and mind power to new heights.