What is Reiki healing?

Reiki Healing

What is Reiki healing? Reiki is an ancient healing technique. The word Reiki has a Japanese origin. However, its roots originate from Indian Vedic science. During the modern era, the doctor turned Tendai Buddhist Monk, Mikao Usui while in his long meditation periods became aware of Reiki healing energies. So, in a way, Dr. Usoi […]

Uses of Reiki

Reiki Healing

रेकी के लाभ: जानिये कैसे रेकी आपकी ज़िन्दगी बदल सकती है? रेकी के लाभ असीम हैं! *क्या रेकी द्वारा आप शारीरिक रोगों से छुटकारा पा सकते हैं? *क्या रे की आपको आपके दिमागी संतुलन में मददगार साबित हो सकती है? *क्या रेकी आपको आध्यात्मिक बनने में मदद कर सकती है? *क्या रेकी से आप भोतिक […]

Holy Dip

Reiki Healing

Your Inner Self Needs a Holy Dip to Get Rid of Negative Emotions to Start Your Healing Healing journey is a phrase that is now being referred to by most of the wellness experts, life coaches and energy healers. So, how do we start this healing journey! The first step towards this healing journey is […]

Reiki Level 1 Course | Reiki

Reiki Healing

Learn Reiki Healing and Meditation With Geeta Sharma. Achieve Health, Wealth & Power Learning online Reiki level 1 with live video classes is very much possible now! During the ongoing CoronaVirus outbreak, learning Reiki healing or self-healing becomes all the more important. Geeta Sharma, is a Reiki expert master teacher, who is so very passionate about […]

Free Reiki demo workshop For Healing & Meditation

Reiki Healing

Free Reiki demo workshop For Healing & Meditation: To Have a Healthy, Wealthy and Happy Life By attending Geeta Sharma’s FaithHealer’s Free Reiki demo workshop or Reiki introductory workshop, you will understand how you can be healthy, wealthy, and happy in your life! You will learn and experience the power universal life force or  Reiki or Prana […]

Learning Reiki

Reiki Healing

Learning Reiki; Heal yourself and Others Learning Reiki opens doorways to work upon your body, mind, and soul. The beauty of Reiki meditation is that it works on all three planes (physical, astral, and causal) simultaneously and automatically! The numerous benefits of Reiki have been discussed at Benefits Of Reiki. At faithhealers we strive to teach Reiki in […]